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SVC Chamber of Commerce ET Telecom CEO

SVC Chamber of Commerce ET Telecom CEO


By Lalit K. Jha Santa Clara: Indians are one of the biggest leaders in innovation in Silicon Valley, and America's high-tech industry cannot survive without them, says CEO of Silicon Valley Central Chamber of Commerce. .

“We don't have the new numbers, but the important thing is that we (Indians) are such an influential contributor,” Harbir K. Bhatia told PTI in an interview.

“India is one of the biggest leaders in innovation in Silicon Valley. At one point… data was collected (that) 40 percent of Silicon Valley CEOs or founders were from South Asia or India. I was from a very big place,” she said.

Located in Santa Clara, the heart of Silicon Valley, the Chamber is comprised of a group of visionary business leaders from multiple cities who help shape Silicon Valley's growth and future.

“Here you have the opportunity to bring your whole self to work and be creative without worrying about the color of your skin, your skin, your religious beliefs, your performers, your culture, etc.'' she said.

Bhatia said Indians are at the top of major companies such as Google, YouTube, Google Foundation and Microsoft.

“They're either at the CXO (chief experience officer) level or CEO. That's no coincidence,” she says.

Bhatia said Indians bring the best values ​​of hard work and productivity to work.

“I can tell you this: If you get a 98 in school, mom and dad will always say, why didn't you get a 100? That's our culture. That's who we are. That's never enough. “And that craving and that desire is what separates us (from others),'' Bhatia said.

“I'm not saying other peoples don't believe this way, but for us, as one of the largest populations on the planet, this is part of who we are, it's inherent. …” she said.

Praising India's jugaad for its frugal and flexible approach to problem-solving, she said: “If you have a problem, put Digi on it and you will find a solution.

When asked about the relationship between Silicon Valley and India, he said that India has played an important role in the success of Silicon Valley.

“Well, there are a lot of connections. Let's talk about the basics. The basics are that the majority of outsourcing still happens in India. The technology industry can thrive in the United States because Because we can run a three-to-one model, where one American employee costs three Indian employees,'' Bhatia said.

“I mean, let's be real about it. Who's running all the operations? Who's keeping all the lights on? Part of every technology company, some kind of It's our troops and our community that are in large part in shape. They can't survive without us,” she said.

America is bringing in the brightest minds from India, she said.

“There's a reason why they keep trying to put a cap on visas. They know we're very healthy, so they just have to put a limit on it. Otherwise, I “They could lose all their jobs,” she said.

She said Indians can succeed in any profession, including technology, agriculture and medicine.

Published May 5, 2024 11:52 AM IST

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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