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Tesla Optiumus Remote Control Video Disclaimer

Tesla Optiumus Remote Control Video Disclaimer


Elon Musk became the butt of more than a few jokes after internet users pointed out that his Tesla robot demo wasn't all that it seemed. As it turns out, the billionaire's video of Optimus, the company's much-hyped humanoid robot, was actually controlled by a human just a few feet away from the screen. And it's interesting to see robot makers include assurances in their videos that they aren't pulling the same deceptive tricks as Musk.

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First, for those who aren't familiar with the story, a quick bit of recent history. Musk has been touting Optimus lately, promising that Tesla will eventually deliver a great new robot that people will buy in stores. When he first unveiled the robot in the summer of 2021, it was literally just a person in a robot costume.

Musk frequently posts videos of Optimus, and the videos are underwhelming, to say the least. Finally, when Musk posted his January video of Optimus folding his shirt, astute observers noticed that a hand kept slipping into the frame, clearly indicating that someone was actually controlling the robot. I noticed that there was.

Video released by Elon Musk in January, Gif annotated with a red arrow indicating the robot's remote operator: Tesla / Gizmodo

The technology here is called teleoperation and has been used in robotics since the 1940s. Basically, someone moves their hand and the robot imitates the movement. It's cool for mid-20th century technology, but it's not the kind of autonomous robotic movement that 21st century people would expect from cutting-edge, futuristic products.

And all this gives us an interesting phenomenon. It started to be seen after Musk became embarrassed by the fakeness of robots. Robotics companies are now including a notice when posting new demo videos that makes it clear that the machines are operating autonomously.

One example is a new video from Chinese robot maker Astribot. The company posted a new video this week, available on YouTube, showing the Astribot S1 performing a variety of tasks, from pouring wine into glasses to ironing shirts. The robot can even pull a tablecloth out from under a stack of wine glasses, a trick everyone half expected to fail spectacularly.

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In the new video, Astribot S1 is also folding his shirt just like Optimus, but you'll notice something very interesting in the bottom left corner. Those words about no remote control were probably not needed until Musk tried the high-speed words in January. But now, as seen below, this means that robotics companies are showing that their robots are actually doing things autonomously, without an invisible human hand guiding the process. This is a way to reassure people.

Screenshot: Astribot /YouTube

And it's not just Astribot. Robotics company Figure, which uses his OpenAI software for its vision software, recently revealed that it does not use teleoperation in a very impressive demo released in March.

Figure co-founder Brett Adcock explained in an X video. The video shows an end-to-end neural network. There is no caption. This is also continuous shooting at 1.0x speed.

Canadian robotics company Sanctuary AI released a new video in April that includes a stone tablet explaining that its robots are autonomous, with bizarre remote-controlled puppetry at work. He reassured viewers that this was not the case.

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Mr. Musk has a long way to go to catch up with some of the most innovative robotics companies like Boston Dynamics, which only recently ditched the hydraulic power of its Atlas robot in favor of electric power. But at least he helped provide a public service by increasing transparency in the robotics field.

No one wants to get caught faking a demo. Things like that make people incredibly hesitant to trust you in the future. At least when Musk brought up the dancing humans in robot suits, everyone knew it was fake.

A version of this article originally appeared on Gizmodo.




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