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Haiti: Earthquake – Quick Update #3 (August 18, 2021) – Haiti



The death toll rose to nearly 2,000 people and more than 9,900 injured, numbers that will likely continue to rise as search and rescue operations continue.

Haiti’s Directorate General of Civil Protection (DGPC) says 137,000 families have been affected in the departments of Sud, Grand Anse and Nippes. About 500,000 people – 40 percent of the total population in the affected provinces – are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance.

Nearly 61,000 homes were destroyed and more than 76,000 damaged in the three hardest-hit counties, leaving thousands homeless and creating an urgent need for emergency shelter solutions.

A rapid initial assessment found that 24 health facilities were damaged in the provinces of South, Niepse and Grand Anse, with 20 suffering infrastructure damage and 4 destroyed.

The passage of the Tropical Depression had a moderate impact on Haiti, causing flooding in Jacmel, Les Cayes and Marigot, creating additional safety risks for damaged homes and those left homeless by the earthquake.

Today, August 18, two more humanitarian convoys are scheduled to deliver aid to those in need. Caravans encountered roadblocks erected by communities with unmet needs, highlighting the need for accountability to affected populations (AAP) and outreach to communities (CwC).

Status Overview

Four days after a devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti, the level of devastation and desperation is increasingly evident. As of August 18, the death toll has risen to nearly 2,000 people and more than 9,900 injured, numbers that have risen dramatically since the early hours after the earthquake on August 13 and are likely to continue to rise as search and rescue operations are still underway for identification. She breastfeeds hundreds of others who are still missing. More than 80 percent of deaths have so far been recorded in Sud County, with nearly 1,600 deaths recorded, while 205 have died in Grand Anse and 137 have died in Nieps.

While assessments are still in their early stages, Haiti’s Directorate General of Civil Protection (DGPC) says 137,000 households have been affected in the three worst-affected provinces (Sud, Grande-Anse and Nippes), with at least 500,000 people in need of emergency. humanitarian aid in these counties, which represents about 40 percent of the total 1.6 million people living across the three counties. Of those affected, 1,475 people with disabilities, including 720 women and children, require urgent assistance to meet their disparate needs, as they are more vulnerable to abuse and violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, discrimination and exclusion from assistance.

As the Tropical Depression passed over the southern Haiti Peninsula between August 16 and 17, search and rescue missions were temporarily affected. However, operations have intensified with the arrival of additional search and rescue teams and humanitarian workers rushing to speed up operations. Search and rescue teams were able to rescue at least 34 people from under the rubble. Grace dumped nearly 10 inches of rain over the same southwestern parts of the country still reeling from the impact of the 7.2-magnitude earthquake. Coastal cities, such as Jacmel, Les Cayes and Marigot, were hit by major floods. Civil protection authorities are urging extreme caution on the part of the affected people as heavy rain and possible aftershocks can demolish the cracked walls and roofs of damaged homes.

The southern and western parts of the country, particularly the counties of the South and Grand Anse and Nippes, suffered devastating damage and losses, including in housing, buildings, vital infrastructure, and roads. However, the port, airport and telecommunications infrastructure was not seriously damaged. According to the DGPC, nearly 61,000 homes were destroyed and more than 76,000 damaged, leaving thousands homeless. The number of displaced and displaced persons is likely to continue to increase over the coming days and weeks, creating an urgent need for emergency shelter solutions.

However, many official shelters have suffered varying damage in the worst affected areas, forcing displaced people who cannot stay with family and friends to set up makeshift tents built of wood and tarpaulin to protect themselves from the downpour, many of which have been destroyed by the tropical depression winds of Grace powerful. People whose homes have been destroyed are turning to assembly points, especially public squares and vacant land. There are 5 collection points in the Sud section and 33 in the Nippes.

Government officials are working to conduct rapid building safety assessments to identify potential sites that could provide shelter for the displaced and the homeless, but heavy rains delayed those assessments on August 16 and 17.

Even before the earthquake, 19,000 people were internally displaced by gang violence, some residing in formal locations and others in informal locations, who needed durable shelter solutions, as earthquake-induced displacement exacerbated existing shelter challenges for IDPs.

With thousands of displaced people sleeping on the streets with the rains falling, vulnerable populations are increasingly at risk of contracting infectious diseases, including cholera, acute respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases and malaria. Large-scale displacement and poor living conditions with restricted access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services are a major concern, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the town of Bastle, Grand Anse, approximately 1,810 water cisterns were damaged or destroyed, creating an urgent need for potable water and sanitation.

In the three hardest-hit provinces, the health system was severely affected as health needs continued to grow significantly in the aftermath of the earthquake, making humanitarian health intervention a critical response priority to ensure access to life-saving assistance and continuity of other services. Critical services, including those related to sexual and reproductive health. A rapid initial assessment found that 24 health facilities were damaged in the provinces of South, Niepse and Grand Anse, with 20 suffering infrastructure damage and 4 destroyed.

Navigating the complex security situation and negotiating humanitarian access remains one of the biggest challenges for humanitarian partners. Despite successful negotiations to open a ‘human corridor’ through the guerrilla-controlled areas, humanitarian convoys to the heavily affected southern peninsula have been blocked by the affected communities, who are in need of their needs from various ongoing crises or the recent earthquake in the waters. Sanitation, hygiene and food insecurity are yet to be addressed, demanding that their unmet needs be addressed before the caravan moves on. Today, August 18, two more humanitarian convoys are scheduled to deliver humanitarian aid to those in need.

Despite its strength and depth, it is less catastrophic than the 2010 earthquake, which left more than 300,000 dead and 1.5 million injured. However, the impact of the August 14 earthquake was devastating, particularly as the country was still recovering from the impact of Hurricane Matthew in 2016 which affected many of the same people in the southern peninsula who are still struggling to repair or rebuild their homes and livelihoods. Those people affected by the crisis, whose needs will only continue to increase in the weeks and months following this devastating earthquake, lack the resources to recover from another crisis. New needs will overlap and exacerbate those already emerging from other crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, internal displacement due to gang violence and growing food insecurity, potentially leading to a protracted crisis in the context of chronic political instability and insecurity.




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