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UNICEF Haiti Humanitarian Situation Report No. 6 Haiti earthquake 15 September 2021 – Haiti


The situation in numbers

2246 deaths

12,763 wounded

650,000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance, including 260,000 children

90 health facilities partially destroyed or damaged

906 schools partially or completely destroyed

212,000 people lost access to a source of drinking water

Sources: Government of Haiti/COUN, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Haiti.


One month after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck southwest Haiti, at least 260,000 children and their caregivers are still in dire need of humanitarian assistance – with a growing risk of chronic physical and emotional illness.

Shelter, food, basic health care, safe water, sanitation and hygiene remain the top priorities. At least 500,000 people need support to access water supply services, and more than 26,000 people are in displacement sites.

The total value of supplies procured and sent is US$2.4 million (63 million tons) to help earthquake-affected people. With additional supplies of US$1.4 million to support the response and another US$2.5 million of supplies (nutrition and education) in the pipeline.

As the new school year begins on October 4, and 906 schools are completely or partially destroyed, providing support to provide basic learning opportunities and to rehabilitate or rebuild damaged school infrastructure is critical.

UNICEF is still in dire need of US$65.3 million out of US$73 million. 3 million emergency earthquake response appeals to reach children and women affected by the crisis.

Overview of Funding and Partnerships

Under the revised Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC), UNICEF is requesting an additional US$73.3 million to provide life-saving support to earthquake-affected areas, which is 39% of the United Nations inter-agency flash appeal launched on 25 August 2021 that reached 187.3 million US dollars. By mid-September, UNICEF had received US$8 million for the earthquake response in Haiti, including contributions from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Government of Japan, as well as from the private sector. Donations collected through the United States Fund for UNICEF and UNICEF National Committees in France and Spain. In addition, global humanitarian thematic funds have been allocated to Haiti, which will be needed to identify priorities and cover urgent gaps thanks to their flexibility.

UNICEF funding requesting the earthquake response is currently 11% funded. Support is urgently needed to maintain standards of basic service delivery – including water, sanitation and hygiene, basic health care and nutritional support in emergencies, as well as education and child protection.

An overview of the situation and humanitarian needs

Nearly a month after the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck southwestern Haiti on August 14, 2021, severely affecting the provinces of South, Nieps and Grand Anse, humanitarian and early recovery needs remain immediate and urgent. The latest figures show that at least 800,000 people – about 40% of the population of the three affected counties, including 340,000 children, were affected by the earthquake, which left more than 2,246 deaths and more than 12,763 injured.

The earthquake could not have come at a worse time for Haiti, which is still reeling from the July 7 assassination of President Jovenel Moise and escalating gang violence, which has displaced some 19,000 people in the metropolitan area, while 4.4 million people were already in need of humanitarian assistance. Before the earthquake in the country, including 2.2 million children.

Assessments still in progress: Initial reports show that more than 137,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged. Economic damages and losses are estimated at at least US$1.5 billion, about 10 percent of the country’s GDP, with devastating effects on assets and livelihoods among vulnerable families with children.

Homes, infrastructure and livelihoods have been damaged in rural areas, where up to 80% of the affected population lives, to a much greater degree than in urban centres. On average, five to seven times more homes are destroyed in rural areas than in urban areas. At least 26,245 IDPs have been identified in 65 displacement sites across the affected areas, most of them – over 70 per cent – located in 40 sites across the South District.

While search and rescue efforts are now over, national authorities and humanitarian partners continue to ramp up response efforts to get relief aid into hard-to-reach areas. However, as of early September, only 46 percent – about 70,000 families – of those in need had received humanitarian assistance. Security and safety remain significant operational challenges, with regular looting of humanitarian relief supplies and continuing access restrictions along the main supply route (RN #2) connecting Porto Prince to the south. In the midst of the height of hurricane season, the threat of torrential rains and associated floods and landslides – as we saw already two days after the earthquake in Tropical Depression Grace – can exacerbate humanitarian needs and complicate response efforts.




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