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62 killed in Indonesia earthquake, landslides erupt and destroy buildings

62 killed in Indonesia earthquake, landslides erupt and destroy buildings


The epicenter was in Cianjur district, West Java.

Cianjur, Indonesia:

A shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake killed at least 62 people, injured hundreds and left others missing when it toppled buildings and triggered landslides on Indonesia’s main island of Java on Monday, officials said.

Doctors treated patients outdoors after the quake, which was felt in residents as far away as the capital, Jakarta, left hospitals in the West Java town of Cianjur without power for several hours.

Indonesia’s disaster mitigation agency said 25 people were still trapped under the rubble as the rescue mission stretched into the night.

The agency increased the death toll from 56 and said more than 2,000 homes had been damaged and more than 5,000 people had been taken to evacuation centres.

“You can see it for yourself… Some people sew their heads and feet in the open air. Some people got nervous and started crying,” Ridwan Kamil, governor of West Java state, told a news conference broadcast by Kompas TV.

Kamel said electricity had been partially restored by evening, without specifying whether that meant generators or connecting to an electricity grid.

The epicenter of the afternoon quake was in Cianjur district and up to 700 were injured, local authorities said, warning of a rising death toll.

“Because there are still many people trapped at the scene, we assume that injuries and deaths will increase over time,” Kamel said, as ambulance sirens blared in the background.

Agus Azhari, 19, was with his elderly mother in the family home when their living room was destroyed within seconds, parts of the walls and ceiling collapsed around them.

“I pulled my mother’s hand,” he said, “and we ran outside.” “I heard people screaming for help around me,” Azhari told AFP.

The majority of deaths were counted in a hospital, with most of the victims killed in the rubble of collapsed buildings, Hermann Suhrmann, head of the local administration of Cianjur, said earlier.

He told Indonesian media that the town’s Sayang Hospital no longer had electricity after the quake, leaving doctors unable to perform surgeries on the victims immediately.

He said more health workers are urgently needed due to the huge number of patients.

Local residents took the victims to hospital in pickup trucks and motorbikes, according to footage obtained by AFP.

– Emergency –

They were placed in front of the facility as the residents spread the bodies on the road.

At another facility, Kemakan Hospital, green tents have been set up outside for temporary treatment, according to an AFP reporter at the scene.

The victims arrived covered in blood, as parents searched for their children.

Kamel, the governor, said multiple landslides had cut off roads to some areas, and bulldozers were being used to reopen them.

Indonesian media reported that shops, a hospital and an Islamic boarding school in the city were badly damaged.

Broadcasters showed several buildings in Cianjur with roofs collapsed and debris littering the streets. The city is located in a hilly area where many houses are built with a mixture of mud and concrete.

“Ambulances continue to come from the villages to the hospital,” Suhairman said.

“There are many families in the villages that have not been evacuated.”

Cianjur Police Chief Doni Hermawan said Metro TV authorities rescued a woman and her child from a landslide, but a third person who was found died of his injuries.

– Jakarta shook –

French President Emmanuel Macron was the first world leader to offer his condolences.

“Indonesia was struck this morning by an earthquake of devastating and deadly force. Thoughts to all the victims,” ​​he wrote. Indonesian President Joko Widodo has yet to respond to the quake.

The Indonesian Meteorological Agency said it recorded 62 aftershocks in Cianjur after the quake, with a magnitude ranging between 1.8 and 4.0.

There were no reports of injuries or major damage in Jakarta, a three-hour drive away.

Mayadita Walyo, a 22-year-old lawyer, described how panicked workers ran to the exits of buildings in Jakarta as the earthquake struck.

“I was working when the ground beneath me was shaking. I could clearly feel the earthquake. I tried not to do anything to process what it was, but it got stronger and it lasted for a while,” she said.

Indonesia experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activity due to its location on the Pacific Ocean’s “Ring of Fire,” where tectonic plates collide.

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake on the island of Sulawesi in January 2021 killed more than 100 people and displaced thousands.

(Except for the headline, this story was not edited by the NDTV staff and was published from a syndicated feed.)




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