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Taiwan earthquake – latest news: Survivor says tremors unleashed 'rocks like lead' as death toll rises

Taiwan earthquake – latest news: Survivor says tremors unleashed 'rocks like lead' as death toll rises


An earthquake shook Taiwanese TV broadcasters during a live broadcast

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Rescuers are searching for the missing and working to reach others stranded after the strongest earthquake Taiwan has witnessed in 25 years, which caused rocks and mud to fall on the mountains, closing roads and shaking buildings.

Ten people were killed and more than a thousand injured in the powerful earthquake, which measured 7.4 magnitude.

The quake struck during rush hour on Wednesday morning, sending schoolchildren escaping into the open air and families fleeing their apartments through the windows. The ground floors of some buildings collapsed, leaving them leaning at unstable angles.

The authorities did not send the usual alerts because they were expecting a smaller earthquake.

About 200 residents near the epicenter were staying in temporary shelters or tents on Thursday after hundreds of aftershocks occurred.

Dozens of workers who were unable to leave one quarry due to damaged roads were released, and six workers were airlifted from another quarry.

About 700 employees and guests at a hotel in the national park remained isolated, but authorities said they were fine and had food and water.

Key pointsView latest update 1712267369 Survivor says rocks started falling 'like bullets'

A Taiwan earthquake survivor recalls how tremors caused rockslides “like bullets” around the coal mine he worked in.

“The mountain started raining rocks like bullets, and we had nowhere to run, so everyone ran next to sandbags for cover,” the survivor, identified only as Zhou, told Taiwan's Central News Agency.

Another woman who worked opposite the collapsed Uranus building in Hualien City told the BBC: “The building was so shaking that I could barely walk. I was really scared. I felt like my legs were not under control anymore. Thanks to my colleagues, they pulled me out so we could Exit”.

“There was a lot of dust entering the building we were living in as we moved out… [later] “I realized it came from the building across the street that had partially collapsed.”

Holly Evans April 4, 2024 at 22:49

1712264107In pictures: Damage (CNA/AFP via Getty Images)

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 21:55

1712259017 Taiwan was rocked by 400 aftershocks

Jane Dalton April 4 2024 at 20:30

1712253737 Search for missing people continues as miners are freed

On Thursday, rescuers searched for the missing and worked to reach hundreds who were stranded.

Liu Zhongda, a 58-year-old construction worker, and his colleague were on their way to work on a road in the national park and were inside a tunnel when the earthquake struck. A rock blocked their exit and they were stuck with some other people.

“We were about to cover up,” Leo said. “No contact can be made (with the outside world).” Liu and his colleague were rescued on Thursday afternoon and underwent a quick medical examination outside the park.

About 60 workers who were unable to leave the quarry due to damage to roads were also released, authorities said. Six workers from another quarry were airlifted.

One of his relatives hugs a rescued man (Reuters)

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 19:02

1712250026 Watch: Broadcasters shaken by an earthquake during a live broadcast Broadcasters shaken by a Taiwan earthquake during a live broadcast

Taiwanese channel SETTV captured the moment a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck live, with an anchor describing the powerful shaking as she tried to maintain her balance. The powerful earthquake that struck Taiwan on Wednesday (April 3) was captured by cameras in the newsroom during a live broadcast. As the earthquake struck, live broadcasters continued to talk and present the news while the studio was visibly shaking. The strong earthquake struck the city of Hualien in eastern Taiwan at 7:58 a.m. local time, causing many buildings to collapse. The Central Meteorological Department recorded more than 300 aftershocks from Wednesday morning until Thursday.

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 18:00

1712246306 Watch: The moment nurses rushed to protect newborns during the earthquakeTaiwan: The moment nurses rushed to protect newborns during the earthquake

This is the moment nurses in a Taiwan hospital rush to help newborn babies after a deadly earthquake. A nurse shared a video of her and her colleagues holding onto newborns' beds to keep them safe during the earthquake that struck the country in the early hours of April 3. Four maternity unit staff can be seen struggling to keep the cots steady, as the building begins to shake. At least 10 people have now been confirmed dead after a powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck. More than 1,000 people were injured and more than 40 remained trapped on Thursday.

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 16:58

1712241926 Roads remain closed but rail service is resuming

Some residents of the eastern coastal city of Hualien, near the epicenter, were staying in tents, and the main road linking the province to the capital, Taipei, was still closed Thursday afternoon, but most daily life in Taiwan was back to normal.

Some local rail services to Hualien have resumed, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, one of the world's most important computer chip manufacturers, has also resumed most of its operations, the Central News Agency reported.

The powerful quake occurred during the morning rush hour the previous day, prompting schoolchildren to run outside and families to flee their apartments through the windows.

The ground floors of some buildings collapsed, leaving them leaning at unstable angles. Although the island is regularly rocked by earthquakes and is generally well prepared, authorities did not send out the usual alerts because they were expecting a smaller quake.

People look at workers carrying out operations while they were on a raised platform of a fire truck at the site where the building collapsed (Reuters)

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 15:45

1712238007 Hotel staff found safe

Rescuers found most of the hotel's roughly 50 workers stranded on a main road as they headed to a resort in Taroko Gorge National Park.

They also arrived at the hotel in the strait, which had been isolated by the earthquake, and made sure all 400 people were safe. The fire department said work would continue into the morning to reopen the road.

The discovery of a body on a hiking trail near the entrance to the gorge brought the total deaths to 10.

The Ministry of Agriculture urged people to stay away from the mountains because of the risk of falling rocks and the formation of “barrier lakes” behind unstable debris.

Two workers trapped in Taroko National Park undergo a physical examination after being rescued (AP)

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 14:40

1712235896 Six miners were pulled to safety

A helicopter lifted six people stranded in a mining area to safety, confirming they were all safe.

Video footage showed that the rescue operation of the miners, who were trapped on a slope, was dramatic after the earthquake cut off roads leading to the high Hualien Mountains.

The authorities said that four foreigners are still missing: a Canadian, an Indian and two Australians.

Drone image shows miners trapped in mountainous area hit by landslides (via Reuters)

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 14:04

1712235026 Watch: The moment nurses rush to protect newborns Taiwan: The moment nurses rush to protect newborns during the earthquake

Jane Dalton 4 Apr 2024 at 13:50




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