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The tremors were felt in Odisha, and the #earthquake memes took over Twitter


By: Trends Desk | New Delhi | Posted: August 8, 2020 1:06:22 pm After a small magnitude 3.8 earthquake jolted people in Odisha, memes and jokes spread on Twitter.

The weekend got off to a shaky start for Odisha residents as Odisha residents felt a magnitude 3.8 earthquake in some parts of the coastal state.

A meteorological center official said that a 3.8-magnitude earthquake struck the Jagapati area at around 7.10 am on Saturday morning. The epicenter was about 73 km southwest (WSW) from Perhampur in the state. The meeting office said on the official Twitter website, “Its center was near # Paribhita and # Tandegoda in Gangnam district, near R Udayagiri district.”

Its hub is near #paribheta and #Tandiguda of #Gajapati distrcit locations, near the R. Udaygiri area.

– Meteorological Center, Bhubaneswar (mcbbsr) August 8, 2020

Under its influence, earthquakes were felt in Patrapur, Gangnam District, and Mohana District, in Gagapati district. A slight tremor was also felt in the R Udayagiri block in the Jagapati area. “No damage has been reported from anywhere in the area,” a senior PTI official said.

With the state already experiencing torrential rain and thunderstorms, while recovering from Typhoon Amphan earlier this year, Odisha residents shared memes and jokes on Twitter highlighting how the country was facing nature’s fury. Several other people have joined the conversation, particularly those from the NCR region, which has seen a series of earthquakes in recent weeks.

Odeias suffering from clouds, hurricane and floods to

– S (shadab___) August 8, 2020

The people of Odisha are already suffering from # hurricane and floods from the past few months … Le #earthquake today

– Pratik Borade (rat pratikborade14) August 8, 2020

* # Earthquake in Odisha *


The Audit Bureau (Aydarshan) August 8, 2020

A magnitude 3.8 earthquake hits the northern part of Odisha Lee Odisha after surviving floods, cyclones, droughts and aura

– Dave (TrulyDev) August 8, 2020

#earthquakeBaad, cyclone, Corona + Earthquake

Idisha people be like:

– X-Ayaan-X (@ Binodkachacha) August 8, 2020


COVID19- Stay Home Stay Safe ~~

Meanwhile, an earthquake in Odisha ~~

– Ankita Matti (@ AnkkitaMate) August 8, 2020

# Earthquake in Odisha # 2020worstyear Can you give a little time to breathe?

Meanwhile, humans

– Movie Mind (@ wechannel6) August 8, 2020

#Nobodyley Earthquake * Earthquake for people: –

– Salman (@ Salman70930437) August 8, 2020

#earthquakeDelhiites to Odiyas:

– Shivanji (@emekayanat) August 8, 2020

# Earthquake comes in Odisha state .. Luo Delhi earthquake:

– Ritika (@ Ritikasingh77) August 8, 2020

#earthquakeMe counts all the disaster that happens in # 2020

– neha?? (@eNehaWalunj) August 8, 2020

# Earthquake heading for the ninth time in 2020..Me to 2020-

– VIVEK (@ Imvivek04) August 8, 2020

#Equake happened in Kengam in Odisha …. Corona, flood, mudslides, plane crash, earthquake

Now days people be like:

– Sanghamitra_sahu (@ Sangham88693351) August 8, 2020

Earthquake 2020 # Earthquake

– Sneha Kajaria (@KajariaSneha) August 8, 2020

After facing COVID-19, plane crashes, it rains. Odisha felt the tremors of the #quake.

If people come to God-

– Sinkalb | spitting faxx (@anksankalpx) August 8, 2020

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