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Sounders vs Earthquakes, Conclusion: Many records drop into a 7-1 romp


SEATTLE – The San Jose Earthquakes were lucky to lose to the Seattle Sounders 7-1. In what is almost certainly the most dominant performance in MLS history for the club, Brian Schmitzer’s side crushed their opponents in a wire-wired fashion and doubled the score despite missing a handful of stunning opportunities. Even Earthquakes’ goal came with a very dubious penalty as Tommy Thompson clearly set foot on Xavier Ariaga before diving to the ground.

Regardless, the Sounders are now claiming # 1 in the West and appearing to be true competitors to the Supporters Shield for the first time of the year. If the team were looking for a good victory after losing Portland, they definitely found it.

4 – Xavier Areaga fired a split pass to Jordan Morris in the midfield. Morris rounded Florian Jungworth and then socked 40 yards towards goal unchallenged more or less. Morris then placed the ball precisely into the lower left corner for the opening goal.

12 – Arreaga begins another attack with a beautiful spotting of Jones in midfield. Jones took the elegant first touch to dodge his defender before Nicolas Lodero slipped into the penalty area. Lodeiro then played a cheeky chops on Raul Ruydiaz for the tap. The team’s best goal of the year.

15- Kelvin Lyerdam scored his third goal of the year, having staggered on the right. Nobody from San Jose appears to be tracking this run. There were 32 complete passes in the accumulation as all 11 Sooners touched the ball. Also the best team goal of the year.

20 – Jones and Morris 1-2 level each San Jose defender before the ball flows into Ruidiaz unmarked in the penalty area. Ruidiaz returned the ball to Jones to score No. 4.

33 – The defeat continues with another Arreaga-to-Morris contact from behind (this time with the help of the smart Lodeiro doll). Maurice played a great ball for Ruidas, who missed the keeper for his second goal.

37 – The football gods showed mercy to San Jose as Daniel Vega blocked Saunders for his sixth goal of the match with two good chances for Morris. The first came on a 1v1 chance and the second came on an undisputed header after the corner.

43 – Another merciful throwback of San Jose as Paul Marie blocked a shot from Jones over the bar.

48 – Shane O’Neill immediately joined the fun with a lovely floating ball for Morris over the line of defense. Morris then played a crossover for Lerdam who struck a cross with just as much beauty that Joao Paulo finished it off so meticulously.

55 – Joevin Jones arrives late in Nouhou’s brilliantly shot by Ruidiaz.

60 – Schmetzer brazenly decided to leave Jones and Morris in the game after the 55th minute, and it was no surprise that they set San Jose on fire again to score the 7th goal. If this was a youth match, the goal would have been the moment Schmetzer started getting a lot of attention from Dissenting parents, but unfortunately this is professional football, and all an earthquake can do is bend their heads in sadness.

67 – Despite not making a move at the end of the field, Stephan Fry was alert enough to react well and block Eric Calvillo’s shot.

71 – Tommy Thompson stepped on Ariaga’s foot and got PK. It was a questionable call, but Chris Wondolowski didn’t care as he buried the penalty kick to give San Jose their weakest silver moments.

82 – The bear’s paw fell into the honey bucket as he looked away from a simple pass at Lodeiro for what would have been an easy shot on goal. Instead, the ball was caught under Bruin’s feet and the opportunity missed.

The wings become unruly: Six different players have found their way into the penalty area and scored goals or assists. Of all the stats players, Jones and Morris stood the longest, each scoring four goals plus assists. When your wings meet for 8 goals and assists, you’ll have a good time. While Morris lighting opposing backlines has become a fairly popular setting, Jones’ performance came as more of a surprise. If Jones can keep making good transitions in the midfield as well as outside, the depth of the Sounders would be great going forward.

Attacking midfield pays off: The Saunders have started a very dynamic midfield trio with Joao Paulo, Christian Roldan and Ludero. The additional attacking prowess clearly paid off with the Sounders achieving 88% full pass and 56% possession, both of which were a major improvement from their clashes against San Jose earlier in the year. Against a different side, Gustav Svenson’s defensive ability will still be crucial, but chasing a goal or needing to break the pressure, the JB trio, Roldan and Ludero could be a good choice going forward.

Midfielders pull the strings: The San Jose man’s defense chart necessitates that the opposing center back become playmakers because they are often the only ones left unattended on the field. CBs Sounders’ rose to the challenge and then some. At least three of the Saunders’ goals began with line passes from the center back, two from Ariaga and one from O’Neill. Passing has always been one of Arreaga’s strengths, but seeing O’Neill enter the action was a welcome change as the powerful defender had not seen much of the ball in his previous appearances.

This was a very sassy back heel from Joevin Jones. Totally disrespectful against a team he clearly outperforms.

Loud but important words from the coach.

Schmetzer on fires: “People need to realize that climate change is happening.”

– Sounder At Heart (sounderatheart) September 11, 2020

7 – The seven goals set a record for the Sounders franchise, as did the six-goal margin of victory.

Man of the Match poll 5% Raul Ruydiaz (8 votes) 55% Jordan Morris (81 votes) 36% Guevin Jones (53 votes) 2% Joao Paulo (3 votes) 145 votes Total vote now

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