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The Samos Association of Canberra plans to raise funds to support victims of the Samos earthquake


The Samiens Association of Canberra will organize a fundraising campaign to support the victims of the Samos earthquake, the strongest earthquake in the Aegean Sea since 1981.

Eleni Gianakis became president of the Samian Association after noticing that the older generation of the association did little to do with events and fundraising.

“When I got older, our parents were so involved and we had dances and picnics and that was kind of a fading out. Being a mother now, I wanted to introduce my kids to this kind of thing,” Eleni Giannakis told The Greek Herald.

“I thought if we took over maybe we could start doing errands and barbecues and bring the community together again.”

Being a very “tight knit” Greek community in Canberra, Gianakis said it was important for Greeks, and especially the Semites, to maintain their close ties to the heritage. The devastating earthquake that struck the Aegean Sea was one of the incidents that brought the community closer to the local community, as it hit the northeastern coast of Samos.

A destroyed car and collapsed buildings after an earthquake hit the Greek island of Samos, on October 30, 2020 (AFP Photo)

The earthquake devastated the island and the neighboring country of Turkey, with both countries suffering 119 deaths, leaving 1,053 injured and 15,000 homeless.

Buildings on Samos were severely damaged, particularly in Karlovasi where a large church had partially collapsed. In Karlovasi, more than 100 buildings were damaged upon inspection. In the aftermath of the earthquake, Samos was also affected by hundreds of aftershocks and floods caused by the tsunami, which also shook the islands of Ikaria, Kos and Chios.

It was the first time since the Aegean earthquake in 2017 that earthquake-related deaths had occurred in Greece.

The Karlovasi Church on Samos was severely damaged. (Image via Demetrius Yuano on Twitter).

Witness the despair and devastation seen on the Greek island, Giannakis organized a community event on Friday, May 21, at Hellenic Club Woden to help raise much-needed funds for earthquake victims.

“It will be an attempt to raise money to collect donations and dance to send them to Samos so that we can help them with schools and churches that need to be repaired,” said the head of the Samian Association.

“We are just trying to help in any way we can.”

Gianakis has been praised by the Greek community in Canberra for her frequent volunteer work and recognition for her tireless and impartial efforts to benefit the community.

Hellenic Club Woden.

“I think it is part of my upbringing, like my father’s participation in Greek society and being a part of it. I want my children to be a part of it as well and feel proud and not lose where we came from,” Gianakis added.

As it is the fifth time that the date of a fundraising event has changed due to COVID-19 restrictions, she hopes the event will be a “fun and enjoyable night” and people come to enjoy themselves.

People can book tickets through the Hellenic club Woden website, and also use the promo code “Samian21” for the Abode Hotel, with a room discount.

Those who wish to donate can do so through the bank account:

Name: Samian AssociatedBSB: 082-967 Account Number: 56-202-0222

People can also contact the association via email or phone:

[email protected] 0402907879

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