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No, the CDC did not issue an “emergency recall” for the COVID test


This week, false claims have spread on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram that the CDC and FDA have “accepted” the PCR test, which examines the viral genome to determine which strain it is. COVID Do not work. This is not entirely true.

Claim: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has revoked the emergency use authorization because the coronavirus PCR test was inaccurate, causing false positives and confusing the influenza case with COVID-19.

Fact: The claim is wrong. The CDC is taking steps to phase out one coronavirus test that was developed early in the pandemic. This is not because the results are inaccurate, but because the patient’s flu test can be done at the same time with a new test.

The FDA has approved approximately 280 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coronavirus tests to determine if sequences from the viral genome are present in a patient’s nasal swab. Early in the pandemic, in February 2020, CDC introduced the Coronavirus PCR Test, known as the “CDC2019-New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.”

July 21 CDC announces Starting this year, we will no longer require an emergency use authorization from the FDA for that one test. That is, the laboratory will stop using it.

Kristen Nordlund, a health communications specialist at the CDC, said the Associated Press has begun to move as new PCR test options currently exist.

“The CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019 nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel meets important unmet needs when developed and deployed and shows no performance issues,” said Nordland. I am. She said she is encouraging laboratories to switch to tests that can detect influenza at the same time because it “saves both time and resources.”

However, social media users misinterpreted the announcement and misrepresented it. The CDC move has spread false claims that it means authorities and the FDA have admitted that PCR tests do not work.

Several posts online mistakenly state that the test is indistinguishable from coronavirus and influenza, leading to an increase in COVID-19 numbers and a decrease in influenza numbers.

In fact, PCR tests are designed to detect very specific regions of the viral genome, so the test does not confuse which virus is present, says Mayok Clinic’s clinical virology in Rochester, Minnesota. Matthew Vinicker, the head of the lab, said.

“PCR tests, including those developed by the CDC, are very accurate and can distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza,” said Vinicker. “In other words, if a person really has the flu, the COVID-19 test is not positive and vice versa.”

Binicker said the symptoms of both diseases are often similar in the early stages, so it is beneficial to have one test that can detect both viruses. Moreover, neither the CDC nor the FDA have questioned the effectiveness of PCR technology.

“PCR testing is generally considered the” gold standard “for COVID-19 diagnosis,” said FDA spokesman James McKinney.

— Associated Press writer Terrence Fraser in New York and Jude Joffe-Block in Phoenix contributed to this report.




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