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Fear of transplant patients after kidneys are turned back by Belfast Trust due to Covid pressure


Patty Gilbert, Co-Chair of the Northern Ireland Kidney Patients Association, said moving the kidneys away could have “endangered” life.

Belfast Trust turned down many organs from donors who died on the weekend because there were not enough staff to perform the surgery.

Some cancer patients also learned that surgery was canceled at the end of July because staff were redirected to treatment. COVID-19 Patience.

“I don’t want to participate in the discussion about who’s treatment is more important,” Patty, a kidney recipient and charity worker, told Belfast Live.

“It’s life-threatening and perhaps life-threatening,” she added.

“The idea that you are a patient waiting for a transplant and cannot use your kidneys in Belfast because you are busy in the ICU or because your staff has been transferred to the ICU is really scary.

Municipal hospital is preparing for further cases
(Image: Justin Kernoghan / Belfast Live)

“I don’t think we’re aware of the knock-on effect it has. Maybe some other patients-health services are at risk because they don’t have the ability to do everything.

“I don’t want to go into a discussion about who’s treatment is more important, but I think it’s very important for the community to recognize when the ICU is very busy-the care and surgery of others has an impact. Will receive. “

“I had a kidney transplant some time ago, which allowed me to continue my life and live perfectly,” she added.

“I can get back to work and live perfectly, so it’s no longer a burden on medical services, all because someone has agreed to donate organs. I’m forever grateful for what they did. increase.”

Belfast’s dad, who changed his life with a new kidney, says his mind is directed at those on the list after hearing how his kidneys have declined.

Darren Walsh, 42, said: “It’s scary, and hospital people will be as disappointed as anyone else.

Darren and his son Riley

“Transplants not only save lives, but these people are on dialysis on a daily basis. Not only that, your energy levels are low, but there are many health issues to consider. ..

“It’s terrible-transplantation gives you the freedom to do what ordinary people do. It saves your life-and it also saves your life mentally.

“I really feel these people, and hopefully they all will soon classify it.”

In addition to the possibility of a kidney transplant, many cancer surgeries have been canceled since July 26th.

Northern Ireland Pancreatic Cancer (NIPANC) Chair Ivan McMinn expressed similar concerns to Patty Gilbert as a person who was saved by surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2011.

Ivan said: “Pancreatic cancer is already at the lowest level of recovery among the major cancers, so delaying or postponing emergency surgery is totally unacceptable.

“It is important to prioritize patients with pancreatic cancer and other cancers who need life-saving surgery.”

He urged those who have not yet decided on Covid-19 vaccination to think about the impact of their decision on their friends and family.

Ivan said: “Mainly the increase in unvaccinated Covid cases has had a terrible knock-on effect on many highly ill people in our community.

“It is each of us responsible to help medical services deal with and keep wards and theaters open to emergency cancer patients when needed!”

“During the pandemic, more than 4,000 emergency surgeries, including surgery, were canceled,” said the Royal College of Surgeons in Northern Ireland. Despite advice to protect planned surgery, “more About the cancellation of life-saving and life-changing surgery. ” In the action plan announced in May.

Matha Hospital
Matha Hospital
(Image: Justin Kernoghan / Belfast Live)

“This is a very worrying development for patients and their families,” they added.

“The impact of high levels of Covid-19 infection in the community is undoubtedly straining services.”

They also urged everyone to get vaccinated.

A spokesperson for Belfast Trust said: Challenging time.

“Kidneys are donated to Belfast Trust through a national pool coordinated by NHS Blood and Transplant. Over the weekend, Belfast Trust donated kidneys from within the national pool, but due to Covid’s pressure these organs. Had to refuse.

“The trust can confirm that the kidneys have been transplanted elsewhere in the UK.

“There were no patients scheduled for this surgery, so no cancellations were made.

“We continue to monitor this situation carefully.”

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