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Marburg virus outbreak: everything you need to know about diseases like Ebola


The world is slowly returning to normal, but fears of the coronavirus are still widespread. In addition to this, many new viruses and fungi have emerged, making life difficult for all of us.

The Marburg virus has raised concerns about the outbreak of another virus after it was revealed that a man who caught the virus died last week and could have infected an additional 155 people.

The first case of the disease occurred in Guinea, West Africa. Experts believe that this is a disease like Ebola, 88% of which can be fatal, but there is no cure or cure. That is a concern as the disease can be widespread.

West African health officials are currently monitoring 155 people who may have come into contact with infected individuals. The person died in Gueckedou, southeastern Guinea, which was also the site of the Ebola hemorrhagic fever in West Africa from 2014 to 2016.

The virus can also be transmitted between bat colonies and humans, increasing the risk of cross-border spread. This suggests a high risk at the national level and requires prompt and coordinated response with the support of international partners.

The risks associated with the global level are low.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Marburg virus.

Marburg and Ebola are closely related and are usually transmitted between humans through contact with blood and other body fluids. Case fatality rates of Marburg virus in past outbreaks range from 24% to 88% of infected individuals.

The only difference between Ebola and Marburg fever is that there are still no specific drugs or vaccines available for the Marburg virus. There is only symptomatic treatment.

Marburg disease is highly contagious and causes hemorrhagic fever. Two simultaneous outbreaks in Marburg and Frankfurt in 1967 led to the first recognition of the disease. The World Health Organization reports that the outbreak was related to working in the laboratory using African savanna monkeys imported from Uganda.

Human infections with Marburg virus disease are initially the result of long-term exposure to mines and caves inhabited by colonies of the Russet flying foxes. When an individual is infected with the virus, it spreads through direct contact with skin damage, mucus, secretions, blood, etc., and through human-to-human transmission from surfaces and substances contaminated with these liquids. There is a possibility.


Early supportive care with hydration and symptomatic treatment increases the chances of survival. There is no approved treatment to neutralize the virus. However, various blood products, immunotherapies, and drug therapies are currently under development.

Symptoms of Marburg virus disease

The incubation period varies from 2 to 21 days. Early symptoms of the virus include high fever, severe headaches, and severe malaise. Myalgia and pain are common features. Abdominal cramps, pain, severe watery diarrhea, and nausea can also begin on the third day. Diarrhea can last for a week. The appearance of the patient at this point in the virus infection is described as showing “ghostly” portrayal features, deep eyes, extreme fatigue, and an expressionless face.

Fatal cases usually have some form of bleeding, often bleeding from multiple areas. You can also see fresh blood from vomiting and feces, gums and vagina. Central nervous system involvement can lead to confusion, irritability and aggression.

In severe cases, death occurs most often between 8 and 9 days after the onset of symptoms.


It is difficult to clinically distinguish MVD from other infections such as malaria, typhoid fever, meningitis, dysentery, and viral hemorrhagic fever. The diagnostic methods used to confirm a virus infection are as follows.

-Antibody capture enzyme immunoassay

-Antigen capture detection test

-Serum neutralization test

-Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain (RT-PCR) Assay

–Electron microscopy

-Virus isolated by cell culture

Samples collected from patients are at extreme biohazard risk. All specimens must be packaged using a triple packaging system for domestic and international shipping.





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