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Psychological sacrifice of resumption to further divide “have” and “not have”


Anxiety and fear will undoubtedly increase for Americans as more states reopen under the United States Novel Coronavirus Crisis despite lack of vaccine and insufficient extensive testing.

Still like Virus’ Impact, psychological impact of resumption will be imbalanced. It must deepen the divide in the tough situation between what you already have and what you don’t have in the country-thought to be essential to keep working with those who can choose when they want to return to their daily lives People.

“There is an option for those who have it, and an option for those who do not,” said ABC News, Priscilla Das Blytheford, an associate professor of psychology at Georgetown University School of Medicine.

I will set to ABC at 1 pm. ET and ABC News Live 4:00 pm ET will have a special weekday coverage of the new coronavirus across the ABC News team, including the latest news, context and analysis.

Das Bralesford said most Americans will experience some form of anxiety, fear, or delusion when they return to the world.

“I wonder if this person has COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing

“You’re going to push the elevator button with your elbow … I think some of us will continue to wear face masks.” Pandemic She added.

But Das Bralesford said it was the people at risk who would experience the greatest psychological sacrifice.

It says, “FedEx workers who have to deliver something, postmen who need to come to your door, shelves, nurses, supermarket people who have to be there to stock front-line workers. “Das Bralesford said.” They need to turn over every day. “

She said these essential workers had no privilege to stay inside and instead had to be put in a way that constantly harmed themselves.

Das Bralesford said her job is by no means “luxury”, but she believes that working from home is a luxury, especially in times of crisis.

“Some people don’t have the option of returning to work. They need money, so they have to do it,” she said.

According to the non-profit United Way, nearly half of the population is considered essential. The Department of Homeland Security provides communications, emergency services, financial services, food and agriculture, government facilities, healthCare.

It is difficult to estimate how much this will cost and the exact cost, but trauma expert ABC News said it believes it is widespread.

“It’s a unique phenomenon in its own right … There is no good way to capture and quantify threats and their range. Medical Centers told ABC News Told.

To healthcare professionals, Neria said trauma has already begun.

“Nurses, doctors, first responders, people are already suffering from post-traumatic reactions,” he said. “Unfortunately, it’s part of this new reality and we need to be prepared to address our mental health needs-we don’t think we are there as a society.”

A serious impact on the mental health of health care workers was felt after a New York City emergency room doctor treating an infected patient confirmed with police. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing He died of suicide on April 26.

Dr. Lorna Breen was the Department of Emergency Medicine at the New York Presbyterian / Allen Hospital.

“Front-line medical professionals and first responders are not immune to the psychological or physical effects of the current pandemic,” said Charlottesville Police Secretary Ra Shall Brackney in a statement.

“Personal protective equipment (PPE) can reduce the likelihood of infection, but the inability to protect heroes like Dr. Lorna Breen and our first responders is due to the psychological and psychological consequences of this disease. It is mental devastation. “

For those who have the option to choose when to rejoin society, Nelia believes that many engage in evasive behavior. He said avoidance is an important symptom of PTSD.

“I expect a lot of people to try to stay away from home,” Neria said.

Das Bralesford reiterated Nelia’s belief that health disparities were not of US interest.

“We talked a lot about it, but we weren’t completely concerned about it,” she said.

It is also difficult to compare the trauma people now feel with previous events. If you want to make a comparison, Das Bralesford said there is a pattern of people who want to return to normal after a traumatic event.

“I wish things could be exactly the same if you could put the clock back,” she said.

These concerns are heightened by the appearance of the coronavirus, which makes the finish line appear to be still blurred.

“If it’s a car crash or a terrorist attack, you know how many died,” she said. “There is no endpoint for this pandemic, especially this pandemic.”

What you need to know about coronaviruses:

Copyright © 2020 ABC News Internet Ventures.

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