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A man who said “Coronavirus is made up” changes his mind when he is hospitalized with his wife


The man who claimed that the coronavirus was a government hoax changed his mind after he and his wife were hospitalized for illness.

Brian Hitchens had previously never thought that Covid-19 was real, “God said the virus is bigger than ever.”

But only a few weeks later, Brian and his wife were both hospitalized after the contract Coronavirus..

From his hospital bed, Florida rideshare driver Brian is urging people to take the virus seriously.

He said WPTV “I thought the government might be trying to do something, it was like they threw it there to distract us.”

Brian Hitchens speaking from a hospital
(Image: WPTV)

Brian Facebook In April, to ease concerns about the virus, which so far killed about 89,000 people in the United States.

“I woke up in the morning, prayed for God’s protection, trusted God, and left it alone. I had all these masks and gloves. I thought it was hysterical,” he said.

But Brian and his wife are now recovering from the illness at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.

“I don’t want anyone to experience what I have experienced,” he said.

“My wife has been on a ventilator. It’s been three weeks, and it’s tough. It’s sad,” he added.

Brian Hitchens and his wife are hospitalized with a coronavirus a few weeks after claiming that the disease is hoax
(Image: WPTV)

The couple are still hospitalized as of Wednesday and cannot see each other. Brian doesn’t know when he will leave the hospital.

“This wasn’t the horrible tactic that everyone was using. It wasn’t a myth. Brian recently told Facebook.

More than 44,000 coronavirus cases have been reported in Florida, killing 1,917 people.

After being hospitalized, Brian changed his mind about coronaviruses and called Covid-19 “very serious.”
(Image: WPTV)

It comes as US President Donald Trump Set a goal for experts to deliver coronavirus vaccines by the end of the year.

The president announced yesterday that he would be ready to invest in major vaccine candidates and distribute them in bulk under “Operation Warp Speed.”

The crack team, drawn from the government, military and pharmaceutical industries, works with other countries to find jabs that prevent Covid-19.

Brian Hitchens and his wife are both hospitalized for this disease
(Image: WPTV)

At an event at the White House Rose Garden, President Trump revealed that former GlaxoSmithKline executive Dr. Moncef Slaui and Army General Gustave Perna will lead the operation.

Most health professionals believe that it will take 12-18 months or more to prepare a vaccine for the general public.

However, Dr. Slaoui, the team’s chief scientist, says he is “confident” that he can deliver millions of vaccines by the end of the year.

“I only recently looked at initial data from clinical trials with coronavirus vaccines,” he said.

“And with these data, I’m even more convinced that we can deliver hundreds of millions of vaccines by the end of 2020.”

Then Trump downplayed the importance of the vaccine.

“We have returned, with or without a vaccine,” he added.

“We have countries that are allies … frankly, there are some non-allied countries with which we work very closely.

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Coronavirus outbreak

“We don’t have an ego. I think it’s great no matter who gets it. We work with them. They work with us.

“While accelerating the final stages of vaccine testing, operational warp speed accelerates manufacturing and manufacturing processes simultaneously.

“In other words, once you have the good words, you’re ready to get the vaccine, the prescriptions, and the things you need.”


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