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Illinois coronavirus: cases decreased for 3 consecutive weeks, positive rate lowest for 2 months


Get out and enjoy Chicago. Not only can you take advantage of the momentary warmth before the next cruel winter, but you can also take advantage of the COVID-19 storm break.

This is a prescription from one of Chicago’s top infectious disease specialists. While she expects a seasonal surge if people are pushed in, the improvement in Illinois coronavirus numbers will allow most residents to now safely enjoy “normal” activities. Said that it means that you can.

“It’s time for those who are out and trying to do something, those who hate risk,” said Dr. Emily Landon, an epidemiologist at the University of Chicago, on Friday. “If you’re looking for a little vacation, a trip to the cinema, or some of those fun things you might have avoided, now is the time.”

Of course, unless you have been vaccinated.

“Then you should stay inside. You can’t avoid the delta,” Landon said, adding that indoor masking is still essential for everyone.

As the leaves begin to change, the latest figures released on Friday show that the state closed the second COVID-19 summer in a more encouraging way than the first summer as the Delta subspecies surge slowed. is showing.

The Illinois Public Health Service reported that 21,787 new cases were diagnosed in the past week, or about 3,112 cases per day. This showed a 16% decrease in daily infections from the previous week, an exponential increase of about 2 months, followed by a decrease in the number of cases for the third consecutive week.

New COVID-19 cases per day

Graphics by Jesse Howe and Caroline Harley | Sun Times

Source: Illinois Public Health Service

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COVID-19 deaths have also fallen by about 16% compared to the previous week, with the virus killing an average of 34 people a day in Illinois.

The hospital reduced coronavirus patients by 8% and occupied 1,926 beds on Thursday night. Even southern Illinois, the region with the highest positive and lowest vaccination rates in the state, reported a slight improvement in availability.The bed in the intensive care unit The capacity is full Most of last week, some patients were forced out of state for critical care, but on Friday five ICU beds were available across the 20 county region.

However, only two of these ICU beds were available to more than 60,000 residents in the seven counties that make up the southern tip of the state.

“It’s not a good statistic to look at yet, but our total number of cases is declining, so we’re hoping for more beds available here next week,” said Nathan, a community outreach. Rider said the Southern 7 Health Department coordinator.

Throughout the state, the average 7-day case positive rate dropped from 4.1% last week to 2.7%, suggesting that the virus is spreading at the slowest pace seen in two months.

This is better than last year’s Illinois, which has a 3.5% positive rate and is rising towards the worst pandemic surge in the state that peaked in mid-November.

Currently, three highly effective vaccines are available and nearly 80% of eligible residents are receiving doses, so the threat of a winter surge remains imminent as more people gather indoors. But it’s not that big.

Dr. Emily Landon of the University of Chicago.

Dr. Emily Landon of the University of Chicago.

“It would be too optimistic to think that there would be no winter bumps. In areas with low immunization rates, it can be a big problem. I don’t know how big it will be,” she said. ..

“If the vaccine begins to wear out, if a dangerous new variant emerges, or if something else terrifying happens, it can be a huge surge. But we have more protection. I’m heading for this winter [through vaccination].. “

As the flu season approached, Landon urged residents to mask, wash their hands, stay home when they got sick, and if so, get tested. “When you go inside, you’ll see a lot of people exposed,” she said.

Influenza vaccinations like COVID-19 Shot are free and available at most pharmacies.See for help in finding doses Alternatively, call (833) 621-1284.




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