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According to researchers, parents are hesitant to vaccinate their children more than they are.


Eighty-two percent of eligible Canadians over the age of 12 are already fully vaccinated, but a recent study by Angus Reid found that children were vaccinated as soon as pediatric doses became available. Only 51% of parents plan to do this.

Of parents with children between the ages of 5 and 11, 23% said they would not vaccinate their children, 18% said they would wait, and 9% said they were uncertain. A survey of 5,011 Canadians from September 29th to October 3rd. No tolerances can be assigned because online surveys are not considered random samples.

Kate Allen, a postdoc at the University of Toronto Vaccine Preventable Disease Center, said:

She said there were several reasons for her parents to suspend.

Indeed, children had a much lower risk of serious consequences associated with COVID-19, and there were very rare cases of mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer and Modana associated with cases of myocarditis, myocardial swelling. ..

As of October 1, Health Canada has recorded 859 vaccine-related cases, which appear to be primarily affecting people under the age of 40 and who have developed complications. Is usually fine.

“I know it’s rare, I know it’s not fatal, but I think the risk of serious symptoms from COVID is rare and not fatal to Jackson. Hubert was asked to weigh the risks and benefits of the vaccine.

However, public health experts emphasize that some children suffer from the rare but serious consequences of COVID-19. This can also cause myocarditis and the little-understood effects of a condition known as long COVID.

They say parents also need to consider the invisible benefits of vaccination.

“It’s not a conversation about the direct interests of them, it’s not about the interests of the community,” Allen said.

The pandemic hit children hard and robbed them of school, time with peers, and extracurricular lessons. As a result, their mental health deteriorated, said Dr. Vinita Dubay, a medical officer of public health in Toronto.

“No child has escaped this pandemic. I mean that the only child had to make some form of sacrifice for the pandemic,” Dubay said.

So far, Pfizer-BioNTech is the only manufacturer requesting approval for the pediatric COVID-19 vaccine, and Health Canada is still reviewing the data.

Regulators have promised thorough reviews and vaccines will only be approved for children if the benefits outweigh the potential risks.

Policy makers know that parents’ concerns must also be taken seriously.

On a recent tour of the Eastern Ontario Children’s Hospital in Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with Dr. Anfamhui, a pediatric infectious disease doctor.

“This time vaccine confidence will be the most important part,” Trudeau agreed.

Dubey has published research to increase parents’ confidence in vaccines for long-established vaccinations such as mumps and rubella.

She provided some tips, but they primarily result in building trust. Her research focused on the role of her family doctor, but she said that during a pandemic, anyone could be that credible sounding committee.

“It could be a leader of faith, an important family member or friend who helps guide you to the right source for making that decision, or someone you trust,” she said. ..

With that in mind, several students from all over North America have launched a peer-to-peer education program called Students for Herd Immunity, allowing children to have conversations with them.

Public health experts agree, the vaccine debate will be polarized, and open conversations will be key to addressing parental concerns.

“One thing I should say to my parents is that I don’t have to make a decision right away,” Duvey said. “I mean for those who are ready to make their decisions, but that’s okay, but if you ask a question, look for an answer.”

Her only advice is to get those answers from trusted sources, not social media.

This report by Canadian Press was first published on October 24, 2021.

Laura Ottoman, Canadian Press




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