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The CDC Panel weighs the risks and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine for infants


Do all school-aged children need to be vaccinated with Pfizer’s pediatric COVID-19 vaccine? That’s a question before the influential government advisory board on Tuesday.

Food and Drug Administration Allowed emergency use of child-sized doses For children 5 to 11 years old. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also need to be approved before starting widespread vaccination in that age group.

CDC advisors are weighing Who will get the most benefit They are considering whether to recommend shots to up to 28 million children or only those who are most vulnerable to serious illness. Their nomination goes to the CDC director for the final decision.

Shoot into a small arm You can start this weekPfizer has already prepared millions of packages and shipments for its first order in states and pharmacies.

Doctors who cared for young people in the hospital want their parents to accept shots of Pfizer’s child, saying that the child is safer and much better than gambling to escape the coronavirus infection.

“I saw a lot of children in this age group with serious illnesses,” he said. Dr. Matthew Linum, Atlanta Children’s Healthcare Infectious Diseases Specialist. “In this population, the risk of serious infection is still very real.”

COVID-19 causes more serious illness in older people than younger people, but government data show that children between the ages of 5 and 11 have been hospitalized more than 8,300 times, about one-third of which are concentrated. I need treatment. The FDA said 146 deaths were reported in that age group.

Also, in the United States, the number of cases of COVID-19 has decreased recently, Experts are worried about another rise Coronaviruses are more likely to spread on holiday trips, and as winter sends more activity indoors.

Pfizer’s Kids Shot contains one-third of the vaccine dose already used to vaccinate millions of people over the age of 12. Children aged 5 to 11 receive two shots every three weeks on the same schedule as others, but the amount of each shot is small and uses a small needle.

A study of 2,268 adolescents found that a child-sized vaccine was nearly 91% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19. It is based on 16 diagnoses of children given dummy shots compared to the three who were actually vaccinated.

The FDA concluded that the injections were safe and investigated a total of 3,100 more children who were vaccinated. Young children experienced the same or less reactions (arm pain, fever, pain, etc.) after high doses by teens and young adults.

The study was not large enough to detect very rare side effects, such as occasional heart inflammation, after the second full dose, mainly in young men and teenage boys. The FDA finally determined that the benefits of vaccination outweighed the likelihood that younger children taking lower doses would also experience that rare risk.

The FDA’s decision was made after the FDA’s advisors struggled. Whether all toddlers needed the vaccine — This is an important question for Tuesday’s deliberations. Young people hospitalized with COVID-19 are at increased risk of obesity and diabetes, but otherwise healthy children can also become seriously ill.

Also, many pediatricians and parents can resume normal childhood activities without jeopardizing their health or fearing bringing the virus back to more vulnerable families. Seeking protection.




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