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MSU Dialab experts explain the difference between deer illnesses


contact: Vanessa Bison

White-tailed deer outside
According to the Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Authority, Mississippi has an estimated 1.75 million deer population and hunters harvest about 280,000 annually. Currently, two chronic wasting disease management zones affect 14 of the 82 Mississippi counties. (Photo by Paul T. Brown)

Starkville, Mississippi — Scientists at Dialab, Mississippi State University, not only study the best management methods, but also inform hunters for informed recommendations, such as nutrition, genetics, habitat, population health, and even illness. I am trying to create a matter.

CWD, or chronic wasting disease, was first detected in the state in February 2018. Currently, Mississippi has two CWD management zones in 14 of the 82 counties in Mississippi. Early this fall, the Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Authority (MDWFP) also increased reports of deer illness or death caused by the development of HD or a hemorrhagic disease commonly referred to as the “blue tongue.” MSU deer biologists at the Forest and Wildlife Research Center are now raising awareness of two very different diseases.

Steve Demarais, co-director of MSU Deer Lab and Taylor Chair of MSU of Applied Big Game Research and Instruction, said HD is a fast-acting, almost viable disease.

“The surviving deer have antibodies to the disease and protect the deer and the entire population from the effects of future diseases,” Demarley said, pointing out that HD can be periodic. “In some parts of the state, a small number of deer may die each year, but outbreaks occur approximately every 3 to 6 years. Timing and range depend on stock and weather conditions. In the event of a large outbreak, the surviving deer will carry antibodies and provide immunity from the same or similar strains for several years. “

In contrast, CWD acts relatively slowly, takes up to 2 years to cause death, and appears to be 100% deadly. Demalais explained that sick animals can quickly spread the disease until they die six months after exposure.

He said death from CWD can be caused by illness or opportunistic infections.

“CWD deer are literally wasted because they stop eating and starve to death. However, many CWD deaths are an indirect mortality rate. That is, the direct cause is not CWD, but without illness. The animal would not have died. For example, CWD loses muscle control and increases salivation. Together, these two signs are a common indirect death caused by CWD. It makes you more susceptible to pneumonia, “said Demarais.

He also said that hunters may tend to notice HD instead of CWD.

“Huntington’s disease is seen by ourselves, so we can find and understand the mortality rate of HD disease. HD disease is concentrated in late summer / early autumn and around the drinking fountain. CWD mortality rate is They are much less likely to find dead bodies because they occur all year round and are scattered throughout the facility. The lack of clear visual evidence makes CWD less obvious to hunters. You may have a hard time believing that it is a really important consideration, “he said.

Although less likely to see deer affected by CWD, Demale warns that all Mississippi hunters need to be seriously addressed.

“CWD has long-term effects on the health and size of deer populations and can worsen over the years,” he said.

In that regard, MSU researchers are looking for better ways to detect new outbreaks of CWD.

Bronson Strickland, a professor of wildlife management at the St. John family and co-director of MSU Dialab, explained that the research team is trying to elucidate the mode of CWD infection.

“We are sampling the environment in which CWD was detected where deer frequently visit the landscape,” Strickland explained. “Basically, we want to detect the infectious prions that cause CWD, or malformed proteins, and build relationships with more commonly found locations in the environment. Hopefully it’s management. Will lead to recommendations. “

MSU Deer Lab is also playing a role in better educating hunters about this disease using a series of animated videos currently in production. Strickland encourages hunters to test the harvested deer CWD.

“The Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Authority has done a great job of setting up a drop-off location for CWD. Sample submission is completely free. It’s good for both sides and helps hunters and nations. “He said.

The hoax reflects that feeling.

“Keep on enjoying deer hunting, being careful to test your CWD harvest. It’s easy and it takes about 7 days to get results,” says Demarais. “Tests ensure that families eat only venison without evidence of CWD infection. There are no known cases of CWD infection spreading to humans, but similar cows known as mad cow disease. The disease has jumped on humans. State health agencies suggest that it is a wise approach not to eat deer venison, which tests positive for CWD. “

To find a place to test the CWD of harvested deer, visit the following website: For more information on MSU Deer Lab, please visit: For more information on the Faculty of Forest Resources, please visit the following website. Visit the Forest and Wildlife Research Center.

MSU is Mississippi’s leading university and is available online.




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