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Various dietary protein sources to reduce the risk of new onset hypertension

Various dietary protein sources to reduce the risk of new onset hypertension


March 10, 2022

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Among Chinese adults, a more diverse source of dietary protein was associated with a reduced risk of newly developing hypertension, he said. High blood pressure..

“”Nutrition is easily accessible and may be an effective means To fight high blood pressure. Along with fats and carbohydrates, protein is one of the three basic major nutrients. ” Xianhui Hata, MDThe National Center for Clinical Research on Kidney Disease at the Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, said in a press release. “The message about heart health is not to focus on a single dietary protein source, but to eat a balanced diet containing proteins from a variety of different sources to prevent the development of hypertension. It can be useful. “

Graphical depiction of the data presented in the article

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To better understand the relationship between the risk of hypertension and protein intake from 8 people Main food sourceThe researchers evaluated 12,177 participants from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, conducted three 24-hour meal recalls in a row, and confirmed household food inventory (mean age 41 years, male). 47%).

Studies have shown that the protein diversity score is defined as the number of protein sources consumed at the appropriate level, taking into account the type and amount of protein. Newly developed hypertension was defined as having a blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg or higher, a physician-diagnosed hypertension, or a median follow-up of 6. Initiation of antihypertensive treatment during the year.

Protein intake and risk of new onset hypertension

Researchers found that those with high total dietary protein intake were men, drinkers, city dwellers, unemployed, elevated systolic blood pressure, elevated diastolic blood pressure, elevated BMI, and low total protein intake. Compared to, higher education levels, higher potassium intake, lower carbohydrate intake, and lower levels of physical activity (P All <.001).

During follow-up, 35.1% of participants were identified as having newly developed hypertension.

Researchers have observed a U-shaped relationship between the proportion of energy from dietary protein intake and the risk of developing new hypertension (“P In the case of non-linearity <.001).

Therefore, the first quintile of total energy from protein intake (<10.6%)(調整済みHR = 1.3; 95%Cl、1.2-1.41)および5番目の五分位(> 14%; aHR = 1.26; 95% CI, 1.15) Participants-1.38) Higher risk of newly developing hypertension compared to participants in the second and fourth quintiles (energy from protein) 10.6% to 14%).

Researchers have observed that individuals in the fourth quartile (4) of the protein diversity score have a lower risk of developing new hypertension than individuals in the first quartile (<. 2; HR = 0.34; 95% Cl, 0.31-0.38).

Findings specific to protein sources

For a particular source of protein, the risk of newly developing hypertension was among the lowest:

  • 0.5% to 3.1% of total energy from untreated lean meat protein.
  • 0% to 0.8% of the total energy of processed lean meat protein.
  • 0% to 1.3% of total energy from poultry protein;
  • 0% to 0.8% of total energy from whole grain protein;
  • 0% to 1.4% of total energy from fish protein.
  • Over 0% of total energy from egg protein;
  • More than 0.3% of total energy from legume proteins;
  • More than 3.8% of total energy from refined grain protein.

“Our findings show that the right amount of different proteins from different food sources (whole and refined grains, processed and raw lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes) and common Adults have suggested that there is an inverse correlation with the newly developed hypertension in Chinese, “the researchers wrote. “If further confirmed, these findings promoted a balanced diet and emphasized the particularly important role of moderate amounts of protein from a variety of food sources for the primary prevention of hypertension.”





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