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N.B. COVID-19 summary: recording nine new cases of the virus in the Campbellton area


The New Brunswick Public Health Service has announced nine new cases of COVID-19 in the Campbellton area.

This brings the total number of active cases in the state to 24.

“This is the highest number of cases recorded in New Brunswick a day,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer at a news briefing on Monday.

Eight of the new cases are associated with Manoworld Lavallee in Atholville.

Eight new cases of COVID-19 in the Campbellton area have been associated with Manoir de la Vallee in Atholville. (Serge Juchar/Radio Canada)

In the long-term sanatorium, the virus occurred because one of the employees contacted a doctor in Campbellton, traveled to Quebec for personal reasons and did not self-isolate.

A case reported elsewhere in Zone 5 is under investigation and Russell said contact tracing is underway.

The new cases are:

  • Two 60-69 years old
  • 4 people from 70 to 79
  • Between 80 and 89 individuals; and
  • Two people over 90 years old.

New Brunswick confirmed 146 cases and 121 cases recovered. This includes anything related to the current outbreak in Zone 5.

As of today, the state said it had 34,400 tests.

“We are aware that new cases can and will continue to occur given the 14-day latency of COVID-19,” Russell said.

“It can take a week or more from this outbreak to be certain that the virus is not present in other parts of New Brunswick. It is very important that all New Brunswickers remain alert to the spread of COVID-19. It is important.”

Patients continue to support virtual care even after the virus has settled

A new poll conducted by the New Brunswick Medical Society suggests that 77% of respondents continue to favor virtual care, even after the end of COVID-19.

After the outbreak of COVID-19 in March, many health services in the state were temporarily closed. This forced state governments and the New Brunswick Medical Society to expand access to virtual healthcare for patients.

“It was intended as a temporary measure to support the health of New Bruns Wickers during a pandemic, but it is clear that patients find value in maintaining virtual care in the state.” A news release from the New Brunswick Medical Society said Monday.

Over the past three months, many patients have received daily services by phone or video, including prescription updates and follow-up health advice. (Shutter stock)

A poll conducted by Halifax Narrative Research found that 4 out of 10 respondents in New Brunswickers booked virtual care during a pandemic, but the majority of them are pleased with this experience ..

However, the majority of respondents say they do not pay for virtual care that is not covered by Medicare.

“Virtual care is a great tool for improving access to primary health care,” said Dr. Chris Goodyear, president of the New Brunswick Medical Society and general surgeon at Fredericton.

“While not a substitute for face-to-face visits, virtual care adds flexibility to doctors and patients when face-to-face visits are not needed. It also reduces the economic and environmental costs of travel, and It’s also useful for patients who can’t do it.

Dr. Chris Goodyear, president of the New Brunswick Medical Society, said virtual care is helping improve New Brunswick’s healthcare system, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak. (New Brunswick Medical Association/Twitter)

Since March, patients with many family doctors have been receiving care and advice over the phone or through secure video chat software.

These measures also apply to professionals and are approved by psychiatrists for mental health services.

From May 7 to May 20, Narrative Research conducted a random telephone survey of 400 adults in New Brunswick. Results are considered accurate within 19/20 times plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.

Dooly has ended because the traveling traveler did not self-isolate

Over the weekend, Dooly in Fredericton announced that the customer had closed after coming to the pub and wasn’t self-isolated after visiting Quebec.

Dooly’s pub in Fredericton was forcibly closed on a weekend after a customer came after it was supposed to be self-isolated after a trip from Quebec. (Facebook)

“She is currently being tested and is waiting for results,” the business said in a Facebook post on Saturday. “Because it’s too cautious, I decided to close this place until I saw the test results.”

Queen Street Pub says it disinfects and sanitizes every surface of the building for the safety of its customers.

Masks are not mandatory in public buildings

The New Brunswick State Government has regressed last week’s decision to require a mask to be worn when entering publicly accessible buildings.

The new rule was set to take effect Tuesday, but the state abandoned its precautions the day after it was announced.

“The Cabinet has reviewed the decision, and it was not intended to place further expectations on the part of businesses or the public in terms of wearing face-to-face coverage in public spaces,” the news release from the state on Saturday. Said.

The state continues to say that it is necessary to wear a mask if you are in a public place where social distance cannot be maintained.

Campobello Island ferry opens on June 15

Campobello Island Ferry will reopen on June 15. Seasonal ferries are direct flights between the island and the mainland of New Brunswick.

Ferries do not operate most of the year, so residents must travel more than an hour’s drive from the border of St. Stephen via Maine.

However, travel has been a daunting task for island residents since the Canadian-US border was closed in March.

“There are many things I take for granted that I don’t live in Campobello,” said Justin Tinker, chairman of the accessible Campobello who grew up on the island.

Islanders can travel to the mainland to provide the necessary services and avoid 14 days of quarantine.

However, the Canadian Border Services Agency has stated that people entering the country need 14 days of quarantine.

“This applies even if there were no stops along the way. Passing through the United States still constitutes an international trip,” the agency told Radio-Canada in an email statement.

“The exemption from the quarantine requirement for residents of Campobello Island is due to certain reasons, such as passing through the United States to obtain the necessary goods and services. Leisure travel through the United States is one of the exemptions from the quarantine requirement. Not.”

Mr. Tinker said that travel from the island to get gas and other necessities in Maine cannot be combined with travel to the mainland for medical appointments.

“The rest of the state is open, but we can’t participate,” said Taylor Paul Davidson in a letter to Prime Minister Brain Higgs.

“We can’t visit our families, go fishing, go camping, go to a second property, enjoy state parks and trails. To get off Campovero Island, Must travel.”

Mr. Tinker said the establishment of a permanent ferry on the mainland was important during the COVID-19 outbreak and when the virus subsided.

“It’s the incredible and competitive disadvantages that the islands face.”

Codiac Transpo reschedule to protect passengers

Starting Monday, Codiac Transpo made operational changes to improve safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Afternoon service will start 30 minutes later at 3 pm. Extend service hours until 7:30 pm. Kodiak Transpo said in a news release that it will respond to “many employers” who have resumed work by 7pm.

All passengers are strongly encouraged to wear a mask as recommended by the Chief Medical Officer’s office.

A bus will be added to the 51 Green Line. This helps manage physical distance requirements, fewer seats, and increased demand.

Route 52 Blue will now join Mountain Green and will continue to serve Mountain Road. And the main street area. This saves passengers from having to change buses on these popular routes. Buses will be added to enhance service.

The shuttle service to Magnetic Hill was canceled during the summer. Customers can reach the zoo by public transport on #62 Hildegard and go to the Mountain Road bus stop on the driveway at the entrance to Magnetic Hill.

Non-medical masks are provided by the employer to bus operators and transportation employees. Employers recommend that bus operators wear masks if physical distance is not possible

Meanwhile, Moncton, St. John, and Fredericton are collaborating on operational plans to increase the number of passengers on each bus. Additional details will be announced in the coming weeks, according to Codiac Transpo.

What to do if you have symptoms

People worried that they may have COVID-19 Self-assess On the government website of

According to public health, the symptoms exhibited by people with COVID-19 include: fever above 38 C, exacerbation of new or chronic cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, onset of new fatigue, Development of new muscle pain, diarrhea, loss of taste and smell, and dyspnea. Children’s symptoms also include purple markings on the fingers and toes.

People who have two of these symptoms are asked to:

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