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Measles cases surge by 80% and other illnesses may follow: United Nations

Measles cases surge by 80% and other illnesses may follow: United Nations


Measles cases surge by 80% and other illnesses may follow: United Nations

By 2020, more than 23 million children missed routine immunization.

Paris, France:

The United Nations said on Wednesday that measles cases have skyrocketed by nearly 80% worldwide, indicating that the rise in “coal mine canary” disease may be an ongoing outbreak of other diseases. I warned that there was.

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted non-Covid disease vaccination campaigns around the world, causing a “perfect storm” that could endanger the lives of millions of children, the United Nations Children’s Fund said. The World Health Organization said in a statement.

New data from UN agencies reported more than 17,300 cases of measles worldwide in January and February, compared to about 9,600 last year.

Data show that there were 21 large-scale, devastating measles outbreaks in the last 12 months to April, most of them in Africa and the eastern Mediterranean coast.

Christopher Gregory, senior health adviser to UNICEF’s immune department, told AFP that measles is “the most contagious vaccine-preventable disease” and often serves as a warning sign.

“Measles is what we call a tracer, or canary in a coal mine, and it really shows where the weaknesses of the immune system are,” he said.

He said yellow fever is one of the next possible illnesses after an increase in cases has been reported in West Africa.

“We are particularly worried about the most vulnerable countries, the countries where the healthcare system is already really struggling, and the countries that are trying to deal with the effects of Covid in addition to these outbreaks,” he said.

Somalia has recorded the most cases of measles in the last 12 months, exceeding 9,000. According to UN data, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Ethiopia follow, and all countries are fighting some form of conflict.

There is also concern that the war in Ukraine could trigger a resurgence in Ukraine after recording the highest measles incidence in Europe between 2017 and 2019.

Gregory said it has been extremely difficult to track down Ukrainian illnesses since the beginning of the war, adding that the biggest concern is “what could be missing.”

Impact “I felt for decades”

By 2020, more than 23 million children missed routine immunization as Covid’s pandemic declined. This is the largest number in more than 10 years.

UN agencies said 57 vaccination campaigns in 43 countries, postponed at the start of the pandemic, have not yet been completed, affecting 203 million people.

Covid also continues to put pressure on healthcare facilities, diverting staffing and attention from years of vaccination against deadly illnesses.

“The impact of these disruptions on immunization services will be felt over the next few decades,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes said in a statement.

“Now is the moment to get essential immunity back on track and launch a catch-up campaign to give everyone access to these life-saving vaccines.”

Gregory said it was time to put childhood immunity “at least as high a priority as ending Covid vaccination.”

Measles is a disease mainly caused by viruses that attack children. The most serious complications include blindness, cerebral edema, diarrhea, and severe respiratory infections.

Vaccination rates of at least 95% are the best way to prevent it from spreading, but many countries are well below that goal. According to UN data, Somalia is only 46%.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is automatically generated from the syndicated feed.)




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