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NYC’s monkeypox vaccine website crashed (again) during launch and many remain unreserved

NYC’s monkeypox vaccine website crashed (again) during launch and many remain unreserved


At 12:55 pm, Kevin Haad was at the New York City Health Department. Monkeypox website, Waiting for a link to the AffiliatedPhysicians web page. It will allow him to schedule vaccine appointments.

By 1:02 pm, he confirmed the first error message.

“Immediately, the first thing was that the service wasn’t available,” Heard, 32, told Gothamist. “It was incredibly frustrating.”

With some experience in website design, Heard opened the Google Chrome Developer Tools window and spent the next hour and a half refreshing the page. He was finally able to book a vaccine for himself and his partner.

But countless other New Yorkers weren’t so lucky.By 1:29 pm, the city’s health department has a website under, Quotes “high level traffic”. The department planned to release about 2,500 shots on Tuesday. This is the last part of the 6,000 shipments delivered last week.

All three vaccine seekers interviewed by Gotamist said they were asked to use a set of credentials to log in to the website. Pile-ups have repeatedly frozen web pages, making it impossible for many to get the vaccine they desperately wanted.

“The overwhelming amount of traffic led to an error message delivered to many who couldn’t make a reservation as soon as the reservation came online this afternoon,” read a statement from a department shared by spokesman Michael Lanza. I did. “This is further evidence of the very high demand and we will continue to work to make vaccines available.”

This website is run by affiliated doctors and provides companies with on-site vaccine clinics and health examinations.City chose a company exchange MedRite, its website too Crashed When booking a vaccine First available last week.. City in late June I tried to give a vaccine Appointments and walk-ins were mixed, but demand quickly overwhelmed me.

“From a technical point of view, this is certainly not a best practice,” said Cody Dean, 30, who runs a technical consulting firm. He also said that being self-employed gave him the time and freedom to spend an afternoon refreshing the page — a luxury that other New Yorkers may not be able to buy.

“I run a technology company, but it still didn’t succeed,” Dean said. “They are not distributing this fairly.”




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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