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New Study from UMN Researchers Shows Existing Agents as Promising Treatments for Long-Term COVID-19

New Study from UMN Researchers Shows Existing Agents as Promising Treatments for Long-Term COVID-19


Metformin, commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes, shows promise as an effective treatment for long-term COVID-19, according to a study by University of Minnesota researchers published Thursday in The Lancet. was shown. But researchers warn that more research is needed before prescribing the drug as a treatment for people currently suffering from the disease.

Prolonged COVID-19 (long-term infection or post-COVID-19 condition) can have a variety of symptoms and can last for weeks, months, or even years.

Symptoms range from fatigue to headaches to heart palpitations. Centers for Disease Control and Preventioneven as Potentially hundreds of other symptoms It can be difficult to explain and manage. It’s unclear exactly who will be infected with the new coronavirus for a long time, but the release says the chronic illness can affect up to 10 percent of people who have had the virus.

This study, conducted as part of Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Projectwas investigating whether early treatment with metformin, ivermectin, or fluvoxamine could prevent severe and long-lasting COVID-19.

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A placebo-controlled trial found that people who took metformin were more than 40 percent less likely to develop long-term COVID-19 than those who took a placebo. Participants who started taking the drug within the first few days of symptoms had a 63 percent reduced risk of long-term COVID-19.

“The results of this study are important because the prolonged duration of the novel coronavirus could have a significant impact on people’s lives,” said Dr. Carolyn Bramante, principal investigator and assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts, in a statement. rice field. “Metformin is an inexpensive, safe, and widely available drug that, when used as a preventive measure, could have significant public health implications.”

While the study is noteworthy, Bramante cautioned that people who currently have COVID-19 for a long time should not take metformin as a potential treatment.

“It’s a very safe drug with few contraindications, but I don’t want people to just accept treatment without knowing whether it works,” she says. “A trial evaluating whether metformin treats long-term COVID-19 is therefore an important next step in this body of literature.”

Bramante said the study was conducted remotely in the midst of a pandemic to limit the spread of the virus and conserve personal protective equipment. Once someone agreed and started the study, the medicines were shipped to their homes overnight.

One of the challenges in this process, she said, has been the real-time development of the science on the novel coronavirus.

“The long-running COVID-19 electronic medical record code didn’t even exist until October 2021,” Bramante said. “And the definition of long-term COVID-19 has continued to evolve since then. Knowing that we have evaluated other possible causes and ruled out that they are anything other than the long-term sequelae of COVID-19.”

The World Health Organization defines long-term coronavirus as “the continuation or development of new symptoms 3 months after initial SARS-CoV-2 infection, and these symptoms persist for at least 2 months without other explanation.” doing.

According to the announcement, metformin was predicted to be effective against the virus by a simulator developed by faculty members of the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine and the University of Massachusetts School of Biomedical Engineering.

Bramante said the model showed that “metformin blocks a protein that the virus uses for self-replication.”

According to the release, ivermectin and fluvoxamine failed to prevent long-term COVID-19.




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