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Study Identifies Signs of Risk for Developing Hypomania

Study Identifies Signs of Risk for Developing Hypomania


Manic episodes of extremely elevated mood and energy levels lasting at least 1 week and less severe hypomanic episodes lasting at least 4 days are the hallmarks of bipolar spectrum disorder (BSD) and may be the most severe symptoms. I research in biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and NeuroimagingA paper published by Elsevier identifies risk indicators for developing mania or hypomania in the future.

BSD is a psychiatric disorder that usually presents in young adulthood and is often severely disabling and requires intensive treatment. The risk of mania remains difficult for clinicians to predict. Being able to do so will help direct treatment to at-risk patients sooner.

Researchers led by Adrian M. Thorner, Ph.D., of the University of Pittsburgh, build on previous research showing that increased reward motivation and disrupted sleep circadian rhythms are associated with the development of mania/hypomania. proceeded. Brain imaging studies have also shown that BSD is associated with elevated reward anticipation activation in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, a key hub for reward and saliency processing.

In the current study, Dr. Soehner and colleagues clustered these markers. They hypothesized that signs of increased manic risk would be characterized by elevated reward sensitivity, impulsivity, and sleep circadian traits. Young adult participants not diagnosed with BSD completed the assessment and underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging. About half of the participants also had follow-up assessments after 6 and 12 months.

Three “profiles” emerged from the sample. One healthy, one moderate risk and one high risk. The high-risk person had elevated manic symptoms at baseline compared to his two other groups. During the 12-month follow-up period, manic symptoms exceeded the normal group in both the high-risk and intermediate-risk groups.

Dr. Sohner said of this discovery: “Here, we identified neurobehavioral profiles based on reward sensitivity, impulsivity, and sleep circadian traits that help distinguish individuals with high manic vulnerability. Combining these traits could detect manic risk and provide targets for inducing and monitoring early intervention.”

Cameron Carter, MD, Editor Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimagingsaid about the work: “These new findings combine neurobiological and clinical techniques to identify patient groups at highest risk for serious mental health problems, such as mania, and to identify patients at highest risk early. It highlights our emerging capacity to enable interventions with and interventions that require further research.” shown. ”


Reference magazine:

Zener, AM, other. (2023) Neurobehavioral reward and sleep circadian profiles predict current and next year manic/hypomanic symptoms.. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.




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