Experts share tips for spring 2024
Why I love spring: Warmer weather, more sunlight, longer days, and greenery all around me. Reasons not to do it: Pollen, hay fever, allergies.
Seasonal allergies are a headache for the majority of American adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 31.8% of Americans over the age of 18 suffer from some type of allergy. Seasonal allergies are the most common among these allergy sufferers, accounting for 25.7%.
Who is the main culprit? pollen.
Pollen is known to be a common airborne allergen that causes unpleasant symptoms for many people. says the CDC. Pollen grains are dispersed by plants, trees, grasses, and weeds and are generally present in higher concentrations during warmer months. The type and amount of pollen in the air is based on where you live, your location, and the plants in your environment.
Common reactions to pollen
of Most common pollen reactions Allergic rhinitis is also called “hay fever.” Hay fever occurs when your immune system reacts to pollen entering your body and releases protective chemicals that cause symptoms such as a runny or stuffy nose. You may also experience allergic conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the lining of the eye, causing the redness, wateriness, and itching characteristic of allergy season.
People who already suffer from asthma are at high risk of having their symptoms worsened by exposure to pollen, which can trigger an asthma attack alongside other common reactions.
The bad news is that we can't actually prevent surrounding plants from producing pollen. It also doesn't tell your immune system that exposure to pollen isn't worth responding to. But even if you're sensitive to seasonal changes, there are things you can do to make the coming spring and summer less miserable.
Allergy season is already here.The earlier spring comes, the more pollen (and sneezes) there will be.
Tips for pollen and allergy season
Joy Hsu, a senior medical officer in the CDC's Division of Asthma and Air Quality, spoke to USA TODAY about seasonal allergies and pollen sensitivities.
“If you have a pollen allergy or asthma, you can take steps to protect yourself,” she advised. Some tips for allergy sufferers to consider:
- Check the pollen forecast: Just like the weather forecast, you can check the pollen forecast before going out. Checking them will help you plan your day in a way that reduces the chances of triggering allergies. “You can reduce your exposure to pollen by checking the pollen forecast and planning to spend less time outdoors when pollen levels are high,” Sue said.
- Keep allergy and asthma medicines on hand: There are many allergy medications available over the counter at your local pharmacy that can help alleviate symptoms. Hsu advised that allergy or asthma medications should always be taken as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
- keep yourself clean: When you go outside, you may pick up pollen particles that can cause irritation. Hsu said exposure can be limited by avoiding touching your eyes when outdoors and washing your eyes when you return indoors. “You can also shower after going out to remove pollen from your skin and hair, and you can also change your clothes after going out,” she said.
- please close the window: Keeping windows closed during allergy season can also keep irritants out of your home. Closing windows can help prevent pollen from entering your home, advises Sue.
- Consider using filters: To keep your home comfortable, Sue said using a high-efficiency filter may also help. Installing a filter in your home's ventilation and air conditioning system or his HVAC system will keep those pesky particles out. However, “be sure to make sure your HVAC system can use high-efficiency filters that won't violate your system's warranty,” she advised.
Common myths about allergy treatment that you should be aware of
When people experience pain or discomfort, they naturally try to find ways to quickly heal it. Sometimes this leads to the discovery of some useful techniques, but more often than not we end up trying flawed home remedies that don't really work but are passed around as helpful tips.
Here are some common misconceptions and unhelpful allergy “cures” to be aware of.
- Eat honey: Honey may help sore throats, but There is no cure for allergies. Some believe that eating local honey regularly increases immunity by exposing you to the pollen remains collected to make honey. But the pollen that bees collect is usually not the same pollen that causes allergies, so increasing exposure doesn't make sense.
- drink apple cider vinegar: Seeing how much apple cider vinegar is being touted online, you might think it's a cure-all for all your ailments. however, no scientific evidence The symptoms are improved by ingesting vinegar.
- Visit a chiropractor: Chiropractic care is often touted as a solution to many health problems, including seasonal allergies. however, no scientific evidence to support it The idea that chiropractic care can improve or prevent allergy symptoms.
- If you are only taking over-the-counter medications: There are many over-the-counter options for allergy symptoms, as well as prescription options. and the two are not the same. Although some people think seasonal allergies aren't “serious” enough to call a doctor, your health care provider may be able to prescribe medications that have fewer side effects and can more effectively treat your allergies.
- Avoid flowers: Believe it or not, Flowers should not be the main concern People who are sensitive to pollen. Many plants still produce pollen, but flowers tend to produce pollen that sticks to flowers and attracts pollinating insects. Instead, it's usually the light, easily transferred pollen from grass and trees that causes sadness.
- I think I will be fine as an adult: Many people believe that seasonal, pet, or food allergies develop only in childhood. but, You may develop new allergies This means you shouldn't ignore new symptoms just because exposure to a certain thing didn't bother you in the past.
Lawsuit:Allegedly died from allergic reaction after doctor asked if food at Disney restaurant had allergens
Common symptoms of hay fever
Do you feel sick after breathing fresh air? You may be suffering from seasonal Asthma and Allergy Foundation of Americathe most common symptoms are:
- Runny nose (also called rhinorrhea)
- stuffy nose
- sneeze
- Itching of the nose, eyes, ears, and mouth
- Red and watery eyes
- swelling around the eyes
If you already have asthma, exposure to pollen can make your symptoms worse.this is called allergic asthma This is the most common type. If you notice that your asthma symptoms are getting worse or worse due to environmental exposures, talk to your doctor.
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