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Watch a Mandan documentary about the fight against endometriosis

Watch a Mandan documentary about the fight against endometriosis


Mandan, North Dakota (KXNET) — Endometriosis affects about 1 in 10 women, but the number is thought to be much higher. The main reason is that many women are not aware that they have endometriosis. But doctors say the symptoms – including headaches, fatigue, dizziness during heavy menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, body aches and digestive problems – can appear from the beginning of adolescence.

“The big thing we want to share right now,” explains Dr. Tara Harding of Bismarck's Simply Wellness, is whether you have any signs of it. Even if your healthcare provider says you don't have it, take another look at your records, vet them, and enlist the help of other healthcare professionals who can help you grow your team. ”

Harding has treated many patients who have dealt with endometriosis and can diagnose it by looking at your family and personal medical history. She continues to say that her desire to help others comes from her own experience with endoscopy. Her experience led her to understand that a proper diagnosis can take years and cause a great deal of frustration and even depression.

“It's a little shocking how long it takes,” she says. “So the mental health element, the medical gaslighting, is brought in. They've been told it's nothing, or it's normal, or they've been offered birth control as their only option. He may have even had surgery to try to get a diagnosis that would still give him hope.”

Hope Schiele, a licensed professional clinical counselor and owner of Entourage Therapeutics, is well aware of the pain this disease causes, having battled endometriosis since the age of 8 despite being misdiagnosed for years. But after living with the condition for some time, Schiele says that through his self-reflection and realization, he was finally able to find hope. His thoughts on depression and suicide also made me think deeply about the connection between my body and mind.

“There can be no physical pain without mental pain,” she says. “I had endometriosis surgery and a hysterectomy, and my depression and dark thoughts disappeared.”

“Anyone who has a garden and dandelions knows that they have to be killed,” she continues. You have to take out the roots or remove the poison, but endometriosis is not poisonous. ”

To raise awareness about this hidden form of endometriosis, a free screening of “Below the Belt,” a documentary about women's struggles to receive a proper diagnosis, will be held next weekend in Mandan. is. Ms. Schiele and Ms. Harding (among other panelists) will also be at the event to talk more about the struggles that come with endometriosis.

“People can expect to gain a broad, introductory understanding of this condition, and learn that legislation is being enacted that seeks to obtain federal funding to support appropriate research. ” said Schiele.

The screening will be held at V3NUE in Mandan on Saturday, April 10th from 3pm. This event is open to anyone interested in learning more about endometriosis, its diagnosis, and support for those battling endometriosis.




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