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MPOX cases spike in New York City: What you need to know

MPOX cases spike in New York City: What you need to know


Digitally colored electron microscopy (EM) image showing monkeypox virions (viral particles) from clinical samples associated with the 2003 prairie dog outbreak, published on June 6, 2022. This image shows a thin section image of Huma.

New York City Department of Health New York City warned that the number of mpox infections has skyrocketed since October, reaching 51 in January.

The city has experienced an average of 36 cases per month since October, up from a range of 2 to 20 cases per month through most of 2023, according to a health advisory released Friday.

Related: WHO renames monkeypox to 'mpox' over racism concerns

Of the 256 cases from October 2023 to April 15, 2024, 73% were unvaccinated or had only received one dose.

Most people infected with mpox were black or Hispanic and between the ages of 25 and 44. According to the New York City Department of Health, 94% of the cases were men who had sex with men.

The New York City Department of Health reported that most of those infected had mild symptoms and only 10 were hospitalized.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is also experiencing an outbreak of the more severe clade I monkeypox virus (MPXV), according to the New York City Department of Health. They reported that only clade II cases continue to be confirmed in the United States.

What is happening in Congo?

Scientists say a new species of mpox detected in a mining town in Congo could spread more easily among people.

Congo is already experiencing the largest mpox outbreak, with more than 4,500 suspected cases and nearly 300 deaths. The new study, which will soon be submitted to a journal for publication, looked at patients hospitalized between October and January in Camitugua, eastern Congo.

The lead researcher said the disease is more difficult to diagnose because the new type of lesions are milder and occur primarily in the genitals. The World Health Organization says mutations in the disease may require new testing strategies to detect mutations.

What is the difference between clade I and clade II monkeypox viruses?

There are two types, or clades, of mpox, which are related to smallpox and are endemic in central and west Africa. Clade 1 is more severe, and up to 10% of infected people may die. Clade 2 was the trigger for the 2022 outbreak. More than 99% of infected people survived.

What is npox?

MADRID, SPAIN – JUNE 6: A medical laboratory technician shows a sample suspected of monkeypox in the microbiology laboratory of La Paz Hospital on June 6, 2022 in Madrid, Spain.Europe is the epicenter of monkeypox virus outbreak, World Health Organization

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a rare disease caused by infection with a virus that belongs to the same family as the virus that causes smallpox. It is endemic in some parts of Africa, where people are infected through bites from rodents and small animals, but it was not known to spread easily between people.

Mpox cases began occurring in May 2022 in Europe and the United States, mostly among men who have sex with men. Infections rapidly spread in dozens of countries in June and July, around the time of gay pride events. Although this infection was rarely fatal, many people suffered from painful skin lesions for several weeks.

In late July 2022, the World Health Organization declared an international health crisis. In early August, the United States declared a public health emergency.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.




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