Daily deaths in the United States can quickly triple.Blockade in Europe
A long-feared surge in COVID-19 cases was underway in the United States and abroad, leading to a new round of virus-related rules in some regions, and restrictions were immediately repulsed.
The United States, which currently has more than 9 million cases, recorded a record high of 99,321 cases in a day and a record high of 551,167 cases in a week on Friday.
A judge in El Paso County, Texas, ordered an unnecessary outage of service for two weeks starting midnight on Friday as hospitalizations increased in the area. The Texas Attorney General has joined the owners of several restaurants suing to block orders.
Due to the surge in cases of coronavirus, officials in Harrison County, Iowa, a Republican-dominated county, have demanded that people wear face masks in public. However, Republican Governor Kim Reynolds continued to downplay efforts to contain the virus this week, rejecting the mask requirement. Reynolds said Iowa must learn to live with the virus.
Meanwhile, in Europe, the devastated Belgium has imposed a partial blockade to control the spread of the virus. In France, authorities ordered another four-week blockade that began on Friday, and Austria planned to close hotels and restaurants on its second closure.
In London, the British government is considering imposing a new national blockade on Britain. The scientific adviser warned that hospitalizations and deaths from the resurrection of the coronavirus could soon exceed the levels seen at the peak of the spring outbreak.
This week, the Institute for Health Metrics at the University of Washington predicted that daily deaths in the United States would triple by mid-January, but increased use of masks would save lives and keep them socially distant. You can delay the need. Influential model said..
? Today’s numbers: USA reported more than 9 1 million cases and more than 229,000 deaths, According to data from Johns Hopkins University.. Global total: 45 million cases and 1.18 million deaths.
?️ Coronavirus mapping: Track US outbreaks in your state..
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Walt Disney World in Florida fires more than 10,000 union workers
Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida will dismiss 10,903 members as part of the company’s temporary dismissal of 28,000. Previously announced, It was disclosed on Friday in a filing with the state.
Walt Disney Co. has accused the temporary dismissal of the document “COVID-19 Pandemic’s Continuing Business Impact”. Get Fox 35 TV.. Overall, Disney said the park and resort sector will lose a total of 11,350 employees in Florida. All of these will be fired on December 31st.
The furlough emphasizes how deeply the pandemic has been involved in the tourism industry. Walt Disney World reopened in July, introducing a new protocol to protect guests and employees from the coronavirus.
so Friday blog post, Disney officials said the pandemic had lasted longer than expected.
“As a result, Walt Disney World Live Entertainment Vice President Betina Buckley had to suspend many live shows and entertainment experiences at the resort longer than originally expected.” I will. Instead, she said the resort created new entertainment options and experiences.
The United States far exceeds other countries and is infected with 9 million COVID-19 cases
In terms of coronavirus cases, the United States has reached 9 million. Reported by Johns Hopkins University.
The United States also posted a one-day case record (Friday 99,231) and a one-week case record (551,167).
As of 9 am eastern daylight savings time, there were 9,048,430 cases, with more than 911,000 cases in the United States, surpassing India, the next highest country. India had 8,137,119 cases and Brazil had 5,516,658 cases. After that, Russia, France and Spain will appear.
The United States also crossed another milestone on Saturday, killing 230,009 people.
This increase occurs as new cases surge in the United States as the weather gets colder. According to Johns Hopkins, on October 23, the country set a new daily record, 83,757 new daily cases.
Study: Rally Trump Increases COVID-19 Epidemic, Death
According to a Stanford University study, President Donald Trump’s campaign event will cause about 30,000 new cases of COVID-19, which can lead to 700 deaths.
The study examined the trajectory of coronavirus cases in the county, which held 18 Trump rallies between June 20 and September 22, and examined how the virus course changed after the event. I tried to predict.
Mr. Trump has held more than 20 rallies this month since he recovered from the fight against the virus, and will have several more by Tuesday’s elections. Rallying is held outdoors, usually at the airport, and supporters are usually packed. Some rally participants wear masks, but many, including Trump, do not.
Recent USA TODAY analysis After at least five of Trump’s rallies since mid-August, including counties in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, cases of COVID-19 increased at a faster rate.
Nearly six in ten Americans opposed Trump’s decision to continue to hold large-scale rallies during the pandemic, a poll at USA TODAY and Suffolk University found this week.
Trump’s aide pointed out that supporters of the president chose to attend and dismissed concerns raised by public health officials and Democrats.
– John Fritze
California County reports a case of COVID-19 and influenza coinfection
A county in California reported a case of co-infection with COVID-19 and influenza — at least the third reported case of a person carrying both viruses in the United States.
Solano County residents under the age of 65 were tested positive for both, confirmed this week by the Solano County Department of Health and Social Services.
Dr. Bella T. Matthias, a health officer in Solano County, said: “It’s more important than ever to get the flu vaccine this year, and the flu vaccine is the best way to prevent yourself, your family, and your community from getting seriously ill with the flu.”
At least one outbreak has been reported in California and one in Texas.
– Grace Hauck
British Prime Minister considers new blockade of Britain
The UK government is considering imposing a new blockade on Britain as early as Monday after scientists have stated that worsening deaths and hospitalizations could exceed peak levels from this spring.
Schools remain open, but new blockades will close non-essential businesses and ask people to stay almost at home.
Epidemiologist John Edmonds, a member of the government’s scientific advisory group, said cases were being implemented “significantly beyond” the rational worst-case scenario created by modelers earlier this month.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has introduced a system of regional restrictions in England based on the level of infection. But scientists say that’s not enough. According to the Times of London, Johnson may announce a one-month blockade on Monday, but the government has said no decision has been made.
The UK records over 20,000 new coronavirus infections per day, with Europe’s highest coronavirus deaths exceeding 46,000.
– Associated Press
According to the CDC, the cruise line can depart on November 1, but it is unlikely to depart.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cruise ships will be able to navigate the U.S. waters from Sunday.. But even so, passengers aren’t waving goodbye from the deck. In fact, the agency does not say when it will be possible to return to the ship.
This is due to the public health agency’s new “Conditional Sailing Order Framework”. Announced on Friday, it “introduces a step-by-step approach to a safe and responsible resumption for passenger cruises,” the CDC said in a release provided by spokesman Cate Shokey.
The first cruise to depart is a simulated voyage designed to show that the ship and crew are in compliance with CDC standards and can mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on board.
Subsequent phases will include simulated voyages with volunteers such as employees and their families, Shocky told USA Today. These test voyages are similar to the break-in voyages that Line makes on new vessels before the official virgin voyages.
– Morgan Hines
Trump Jr. states that the recent deaths from COVID-19 are “almost nothing.” More than 20,000 people died this month.
In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Donald Trump Jr. mistakenly said: The COVID-19 mortality rate has dropped to “nearly zero.”
In an episode of “Ingraham Angle,” Trump Jr. falsely claimed that he “examined the CDC data” and that the number of deaths from COVID-19 was significantly reduced.
In particular, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges that recent data is “provisional” and is often behind data collected by counties and other sources.
Deaths from COVID-19 are lower than at their peak in April, but new cases continue to hit record highs. On Wednesday, the Johns Hopkins dashboard set a record of 88,521 new cases nationwide.
Last week, USA TODAY’s analysis found that at least four states had record deaths. According to Johns Hopkins, more than 20,000 people have died so far in October.
– Joshua Bote
Survey: 20% of grocery store workers were infected with COVID-19
A Study published on Thursday Grocery workers were at increased risk of COVID-19 infection, with one in five workers tested positive on the test, most of which were found to be prophylactic cases.
The study, published in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine, found that workers who played a role in customer interaction were five times more likely to test positive. Three out of four who tested positive were asymptomatic.
“This is arguably very disturbing as it means that retail grocery store employees are exposed to customers and act as virus intermediaries. It’s almost like a superspreader.” Researcher Dr. Justin Yang said. Told to CNN..
Occurrence in Europe: 10 million cases. Spain declares a state of emergency until May
The World Health Organization’s European director said Thursday that since the pandemic began, European countries have accounted for more than 10 million COVID-19 cases, with more than 1.5 million confirmed last week breaking weekly records.
“Europe is once again at the epicenter of this pandemic,” said Dr. Hans Kruge, WHO Regional Director of Europe. “At the risk of ringing the alarm, I must express our very real concern.”
The Spanish Parliament resolved to maintain the state of emergency until May 2021. France states that next month it will be limited to 0.5 miles from home, with the exception of citizens buying food, attending school and a few other exceptions. Pope Francis has stopped his public audience and restricted his participation in Christmas.
19 resources from COVID-USA TODAY
Contribution: Associated Press
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