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Everything we know about searching for the Covid-19 vaccine


With Covid-19 rapidly spreading around the world, there was a crazy struggle to find vaccine.

On January 10, China shared a new coronavirus gene sequence. Rapid gene sequencing and open disclosure of the virus by Chinese scientists has benefited researchers who have spent time working to produce preventive jabs, pills, or potions.

Although the search for vaccines is going well, doctors are now looking to drugs that are already being used to treat other diseases that are being diverted for coronavirus patients.

Latest news on coronavirus vaccine

Vaccines used worldwide do not seem to be ready as early as next year.

Once vaccines become available, perhaps what public health experts initially called the “major population” before a national population vaccination program took place-healthcare workers, vulnerable groups And will be given to the affected patient’s contacts.

Alongside vaccine development, doctors Testing of existing drugs For viruses such as Ebola, malaria, and HIV. Initial results seem promising, but physicians cannot be certain that the drug is effective until a complete clinical trial is completed.

How long does it take to produce a vaccine?

One of the key advances in supporting vaccine research is an organization called the Coepition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which was established in 2014-2016 in response to the lack of scientific progress when Ebola ran through West Africa. Is the development of

CEPI’s mission is to respond quickly to epidemics by providing researchers with funding to develop vaccines.

CEPI has already developed at least eight potential vaccines for Covid-19 and announced in January that a vaccine for Covid-19 would be testable by the end of May.

Researchers are confident that at least one vaccine will be available within 18 months. It would be the fastest human experience ever seen a new pathogen before developing a vaccine against it.

Who is working on the coronavirus vaccine?

British scientists are competing with dozens of laboratories around the world to develop drugs first. In mid-March, scientists at the UK Public Health Service said vaccine testing could start next month.

Mid January, Imperial College London Team We have started developing vaccines and working at a record pace. It took only 14 days from viral gene sequencing to laboratory vaccine production.

In the United States, the US government has promised a $ 1 billion (£ 0.8 billion) Covid-19 vaccine deal with Titan Johnson & Johnson, a collaborative researcher through the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (Balda).

Human testing for vaccines has already begun in the United States and has updated records on the speed at which such tests can leave the ground. Healthy American volunteers are being given a new generation of “genetic hacks” after bypassing standard animal experiments as part of a very accelerated process.

Why is it so long to make a vaccine?

The biggest hurdle in vaccine development is large-scale production and distribution-it is estimated that CEPI needs at least another $ 2 billion in funding. The UK has already committed £ 250 million to CEPI, the largest donation from any country.

Covid-19, which hinders scientists from developing vaccines, Mutant to two strainsWhat seems to be much more aggressive.

Health experts warn that the virus could hit the United Kingdom in “ multiple waves ”, and as a result it is concerned that some vaccines may not work in mutants .


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