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Myth uncovered: COVID-19 vaccine cannot change human DNA


Despite the fact that millions of people around the world are already vaccinated, many are still reluctant to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

There are various common reasons for such reluctance, including some myths, including the most commonly disseminated misconceptions today. according to it, Forbes According to reports, mRNA vaccines will alter an individual’s DNA “with pseudoscientific content.”

But according to the news site, the good news is that mRNA vaccines can’t do this. For those who want this as a “superpower opportunity,” it happens as a disappointment.

by National Genetic Counselor Association She believes that Sarah Riodan is worried that “this is a genetic substance injected into the body” and that it may somehow mix with and modify her genetic material.

Read again: Moderna plans to begin testing the COVID-19 vaccine in children

Science Times-Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Site Opens at ExCel Center

(Photo: Jeremy Selwyn-WPA Pool / Getty Images)
The Covid-19 vaccine will be prepared on January 11, 2021 at the Excel Vaccine Center in London, England. The location that was also home to the Nightingale Hospital, built in the first wave of the pandemic, is one of several UK mass vaccination centers open to the public this week.

Difference between DNA and mRNA

There are essential differences between DNA and mRNA that carry all the information an individual inherits from their parents. mRNA is Moderna Pfizer / BioNTech Is formed from

DNA is described as double-stranded. It is very long and tightly bound inside the part of the cell that is identified as the nucleus, but because it is released into the main part of the cell, it “reads” the instructions it carries and converts them into the proteins they need. can do.

On the other hand, mRNA is naturally produced by the human body and encodes the instructions for the cells of the human body to make proteins.

All mRNA vaccines serve a similar purpose. It teaches and trains the body to provoke an immune response against a particular pathogen. Therefore, when the latter enters the body, the immune system can attack it, Riodan explained.

For mRNA vaccine COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appearsExperts say, “These are not made in the nucleus, but are injected into the arm,” and directs how to make muscle cells “a part of the” spike “or” S “protein of the virus.” .. SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, on its own, does not adversely affect the virus itself.

The conviction about mRNA vaccines is that mRNA does not even enter the nucleus. Some of the cells contain all of their own DNA and instructions, Riodan further explained.

DNA modified by some viruses

According to the above report, some viruses actually change DNA, This can be very detrimental. The DNA-altering viruses do not contain diseases such as HPV and HIV, but it is important to say first that they do not contain coronavirus.

The way these viruses work is to randomly attach to the cell’s DNA, hijack the cell’s replication mechanism, and further replicate its own copy.

They are often indiscriminate about where they put themselves in the genome, so they can turn cells into a cancerous type when they become the central part of the code that is important to the cell.

HPV It can lead to various types of cancer, such as the neck and head and neck. This is why people are often vaccinated as protection from HPV.

Researchers are excited now mRNA vaccine For years, one of the key benefits is that you can simply change your instructions to work on a new purpose.

Today, Moderna announced that it has set a vision for seasonal influenza and HIV. When a vaccine-resistant version of SARS-Cov-2 develops, scientists are confident that the vaccine instructions can be changed immediately to make adjustments as needed.

However, at this time, experts say that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is “neither a virus nor a gene therapy” and does not modify the DNA.

Read next: UK may be the first country to approve the COVID-19 vaccine

Check out more news and information about COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears And vaccine Science Times


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