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The new 23andMe tool helps you calculate the risk of hospitalization with COVID-19


A new tool from home-based genetic testing firm 23andMe has the potential to predict the risk of people with severe cases. Coronavirus..

First reported BloombergThe COVID-19 Severity Calculator was first launched on Wednesday.

This tool asks the user to enter their age, gender, ethnicity, weight, height, frequency of exercise, and whether to exercise. There are existing conditions.

From there, the calculator indicates that people with these characteristics may have been hospitalized for the virus.

Please click the link here To find out how likely you are to be hospitalized for the virus.

The COVID-19 Severity Calculator was developed by genetic testing company 23andMe and launched Wednesday.

Users will be asked to enter their age, gender, ethnicity, weight, height, frequency of exercise, and whether they have an existing condition.

Based on data from examining 10,000 COVID-19 patients, the tool reveals how likely it is that someone will be hospitalized for the virus.

For example, a Hispanic man in his 60s, 5’2′, weighing 150 pounds and having fatty liver disease, has an approximately 22% risk of hospitalization.

The data used by the calculator is from the COVID-19 study 23andMe, which was launched in April and was conducted on 1 million participants.

Of that total, 10,000 were positive for the disease, of which about 750 were hospitalized.

The researchers then created an algorithm based on the data to determine the likelihood of hospitalization for different groups of people.

The calculator does not look at genetic factors inherited from the parent, such as genetic variation that leads to disorders such as sickle cell anemia and Down’s syndrome.

Anne Wojcicki, co-founder and CEO of 23andMe, told Bloomberg:

“We have found that providing practical information to people, like this tool, can produce meaningful results.”

The data are also the basis for a 23andMe study published in June, which found that people with ABO blood groups were up to 18% less likely to test positive for COVID-19.

For example, a Caucasian woman in her twenties who weighs about 160 pounds and has high blood pressure of 5’7 “has a 1-5% risk of being hospitalized for COVID-19.

However, for an African-American man in his 40s who weighs 210 pounds, weighs 5’11’, and has type 2 diabetes, the risk is about 13%.

In addition, if you are a Hispanic man in his 60s with fatty liver disease who is 5’2’and weighs 150 pounds, the risk of hospitalization is about 22 percent.

After years of increased revenue, people stopped buying DNA test kits and reported in January 2020 that 23andMe had fired 100 employees, or about 14 percent of their employees. CNBC..

Wojcski told Bloomberg that the company wants to be more valuable by providing “useful health information” to its customers.

“More than 75% of our customers say they have taken positive health behaviors based on the results of 23andMe,” she told the news agency.

This calculator is not the only work the company has done in the COVID-19 risk analysis.

In June 2020, the company Preliminary data Having a particular blood type suggests that it may help protect people from the coronavirus.

The results showed that people with ABO blood group were up to 18 percent less likely to test positive for COVID-19.

In addition, blood type and exposed okee were up to 26 percent less likely to get sick.

Researchers have identified mutants of the ABO gene that are responsible for various blood types, which have been associated with reduced risk.

A statement from the 23andMe blog states, “Investigation and recruitment are ongoing and we hope to use the investigation platform to better understand the differences in how people react to the virus.” ..

“Ultimately, we would like to publish our findings to provide the scientific community with more insight into COVID-19.”

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