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Covid-19 Vaccine: Breakthrough Updates on Novavax, Oxford, and Pfizer


Pfizer jabs are less convenient and more expensive than traditional Oxford vaccines because they rely on a live genetic code that needs to be maintained at -70 ° C.

By the end of 2020, Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech SE had produced more than 70 million Covid-19 vaccines. Overall, the UK has ordered 40 million doses.

BioNTech announced on January 11 that it will raise its 2021 dose target for the Covid-19 vaccine from 1.3 billion to 2 billion as it adds a new production line and can extract more doses per vial.

However, delivery of Pfizer vaccines to the UK will be reduced by 15-20% from January 25 due to delayed shipments. Work to increase capacity At a processing plant in Belgium, according to sources.

Why is there a delay between the first and second Pfizer jabs?

The decision to widen the gap between doses has faced criticism from GPs and scientists after some older and vulnerable people were told they had to wait for a second jab.

Regulators have previously stated that two doses should be given at intervals of 4 to 12 weeks.

However, Professor Chris Whitty said widening the gap between the first and second jabs could mean that the number of people vaccinated could double in three months. I did.

“If you had more than 50% protection during that period, you actually won. More people would be protected than otherwise,” he said at the 10th press conference.

“Our very strong view is that protection is likely to be well over 50 percent.”

However, on January 20, the UK’s chief scientific adviser suggested that a single dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech coronavirus vaccine would be effective after a report from Israel suggested that the protection provided could be much lower. It has been shown in a test that states that sex must be viewed “very carefully”.

Sir Patrick Valence responded to Israel’s claim that the first dose of Pfizer vaccine could be as low as 33%, “much more than 89%” from 10 to 21 days after vaccination. It’s close. ” “.

Meanwhile, JCVI Vice-Chair Professor Anthony Harnden advises that if a supply problem prevents the same drug from being given twice, it should be given a second dose instead of not being given a second. Said.

He told BBC Breakfast on January 29th: “From the JCVI point of view, what is important at this point is that the second vaccination should be given the same vaccine as the first vaccination.

“It is important for long-term protection and it is interesting to see on the supply side if it can be provided, so a second dose is recommended.

“If that doesn’t happen, JCVI’s advice is that it’s better to get another vaccine twice than not to give it at all. There is no theoretical reason why you can’t mix vaccines, and research Is in progress at the following location. Moment. “

What’s the latest information on Oxford’s AstraZeneca vaccine?

The Oxford vaccine was approved by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency on December 30th and began deployment on January 4th.

Brian Pinker, 82, was the first person to be vaccinated., Oxford University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Churchill Hospital.

He states: “I’m very happy to have the Covid vaccine today, and I’m really proud of the vaccine invented in Oxford.”


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