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A rare disease transmitted by bat and bird droppings found in the countryside of Alberta


A team from the Alberta Precision Laboratory and the University of Alberta have discovered that a rare lung disease associated with bats and birds lives in Alberta.

Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection that is transmitted through bat and bird droppings that may be present in contaminated dust particles.

Upon inhalation, patients experience respiratory infections with flu-like symptoms such as cough, fever, chills, and headache.

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According to a Thursday news release from Alberta Health Services, histoplasmosis has always been a travel-related illness, with cases usually associated with people who have come into contact with feces in old homes, churches, construction sites, and parks.

“Therefore, if you are cleaning a construction site or people’s house, an old house, a construction, or an old church, it is part of the area where the exposure occurred,” said APL’s Chief Clinical Clinic for Fungal Diseases. Microbiologist Tanis Dingle said. Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta.

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Forty-five cases were identified in Alberta between 2011 and 2018.

“Histoplasmosis has always been considered a travel-related infection, so I was surprised at the number of locally acquired cases,” Dingle said.

“We now know that it definitely lives in Alberta and can infect people who come into contact with it.”

APL and the University of Arizona team have begun to investigate whether the disease is infected in Alberta, noting that positive cases have begun to be identified in labor-related laboratories.

Using epidemiological data and genetic analysis of confirmed cases in Alberta, the researchers determined that 15 of them were locally obtained.

The incident occurred primarily in rural Alberta, including Thunder, Stettler, County, Stony Plain, and Spruce Grove.

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The disease is commonly found in the central United States, southern Ontario, and parts of Quebec. Previously, the geographical extent of the disease was not considered to be northwest of Minnesota.

According to Dingle, the number of cases is not increasing in Alberta, and it is possible that no cases were previously detected or that they were unaware that they were infected in Alberta.

“The seven years we’ve examined show no trends or increases, but what people need to know is that people in Alberta are at high risk because it’s still a very rare infection. Activity. “

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This finding is also important because, according to the team, histoplasmosis can be difficult to diagnose and may be ruled out by a doctor if the patient has no travel history.

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“Knowing that histoplasmosis is here helps improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients who have never traveled to traditional danger areas,” said an assistant professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alberta. Iran Schwartz said.

“Histoplasmosis can be a difficult disease to diagnose and treat, and patients often spend months before a correct diagnosis is made.

“Awareness that the disease is here is an important first step in helping doctors consider the diagnosis and order the appropriate tests.”

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Researchers don’t know what pushed the disease further north, but they are investigating climate change as a possible factor. Increases in temperature and precipitation have been recorded in Alberta over the last few decades, which may have created better conditions for histoplasmosis to inhabit Alberta’s soil.

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