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Moderna will ship larger vials of Covid-19 vaccine to the state health department by late May


Moderna will begin shipping larger vaccine vials containing 15 doses instead of 10 by late May.

  • Moderna Inc manufactures larger vials of COVID-19 vaccine that can hold 15 doses instead of the standard 10 doses.
  • The company said it would like to increase the number of doses clinicians can give to vaccinate more people.
  • Authorities say larger vials will be sent to the state health department by the third week of May, but do not say the number of vials or the state.
  • There are some concerns that it will be difficult to use large vials to vaccinate hard-to-reach populations, leading to the disposal of some doses.

modern Inc begins shipping larger vials COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Vaccine the state health department over the next few weeks.

Vials are stored from 10 to 15 doses. Lori Tremmel Freeman, Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of County and City Health Officials, said: CNN on Wednesday.

“These large vials will be in the hands of the state by the third week of May,” she said.

However, it is unclear which state will receive the first large vial and how many will be shipped.

Moderna Inc manufactures larger vials of COVID-19 vaccine that can hold 15 doses instead of the standard 10 doses.Photo: Standard vial containing 10 doses of vaccine

Moderna Inc manufactures larger vials of COVID-19 vaccine that can hold 15 doses instead of the standard 10 doses.Photo: Standard vial containing 10 doses of vaccine

Moderna is switching to larger vials “By increasing the size of the vial, we increase the number of doses,” Freeman told CNN.

“It was the best way they decided they could increase the dose.”

A Cambridge-based pharmaceutical company said on April 1 that the US Food and Drug Administration has approved two new vials.

The first allowed the original 10 to 11 doses to be extracted, and the second was a large vial that could hold up to 15 doses each.

In addition, the FDA now allows vaccine vials to be stored at room temperature for 24 hours after being removed from the freezer, up to a maximum of 12 hours.

“We are constantly learning and improving to facilitate the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine to healthcare staff and accelerate our vaccination program,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said in a statement at the time. It is stated in.

Freemna told CNN that he was concerned that using large vials would make it difficult to vaccinate hard-to-reach people, such as the elderly returning home.

This could force health officials to dispose of some instead of using all 15 doses.

“It doesn’t really help state and local health departments who see higher dose vials as facilitating or inflexible in some of the work associated with populations not yet offered,” she said. Said.

Moderna told CNN that the number of ready-to-use vials and where to ship them are unclear.

The Moderna vaccine was developed in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health.

It uses part of the genetic code of a pathogen called messenger RNA or mRNA to make the body recognize the coronavirus and attack it when a person is infected.

Candidates work by tricking the body into producing some of the viral proteins that the immune system recognizes and builds a defensive response.

The latest clinical trial data released earlier this month found that the vaccine was 90% effective in protecting against COVID-19 six months after the second dose.

This is a downgrade from previous clinical trial estimates that suggested that 94.5% of infections could be prevented, but evidence of long-term protection.



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