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Two pandemics clash when doctors discover that they are spurring diabetes

Two pandemics clash when doctors discover that they are spurring diabetes
Two pandemics clash when doctors discover that they are spurring diabetes


(Bloomberg)-When Ziyad Al-Aly’s research team told him how often diabetes appeared to have hit Covid-19 survivors, he thought the data must be wrong, so He asked five colleagues to calculate the numbers again.

A few weeks later, they returned the same findings after sifting the records of millions of patients. By that time, Al-Aly had also begun to delve into the scientific literature and agree on the alarming reality. Not only is Covid-19 deadly for diabetics, it causes metabolic disorders in many who do not. I have it before.

“It took me a while to convince me,” said Alary, who heads the Clinical Epidemiology Center for the Missouri Veterans St. Louis Healthcare System. “I couldn’t believe Covid could do this.”

Among the many spillover effects of Covid-19, the worsening burden of diabetes worldwide can result in significant public health sacrifices. Some doctors believe that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can damage the pancreas, the gland that produces the insulin needed to convert blood sugar to energy, but it’s new. The underlying mechanism that causes diabetes is unclear. Just as people can delay their diagnosis after avoiding the clinic, the sedentary lifestyle brought about by the blockade can also play a role. Scientists have found that even mild cases of coronavirus in some children can be followed by a rapid onset of diabetes.

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Considered a lung disease in the early stages of the pandemic, Covid-19 is increasingly recognized for its ability to disrupt multiple organs and body systems and persists in 1 in 10 patients after apparent recovery. It sometimes causes debilitating symptoms.

Prolonged metabolic complications that may require high doses of insulin suggest that a subset of survivors develop diabetes-ranked over 436 million people living in chronic conditions Is inflated.

Two studies

The body’s inability to produce enough or properly use insulin is caused by life-shortening complications from stroke and renal failure to foot ulcers and blindness, estimated at $ 760 billion a year before Covid attacks. It cost money.

Al-Aly et al. First measured efficacy in the United States, based on evidence from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ national medical database. They found that Covid survivors were about 39% more likely to receive a new diabetes diagnosis 6 months after infection than non-infected users of the VA medical system. The risk is about 6.5 additional diabetic cases for every 1,000 Covid patients who eventually did not go to the hospital. For those who do, the odds jump to 37 per 1,000-and even higher for patients in need of intensive care.

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According to Al-Aly, the numbers need to be seen in the context of Covid’s vast range. At peak winters, more than 130,000 patients were hospitalized with the coronavirus in the United States alone. Globally, SARS-CoV-2 has been reported to infect more than 153 million people, including more than 20 million people in India, which has the second highest number of diabetics after China.

Pandemic clash

Al-Aly data was published in Nature last month. A study of approximately 50,000 Covid patients admitted in the United Kingdom was found to be 50% more likely to develop diabetes approximately 20 weeks after discharge than a matching control, three weeks later.

Frances Corbino, Chair of Metabolism and Weight Loss Surgery at King’s College London, has set up a global registry of diabetes professors Paul Jimmet and Covid-related diabetes cases: Monash University in Melbourne.

Researchers have envisioned pathways in which Covid may increase the likelihood of diabetes diagnosis, including the possibility that pancreatic insulin-secreting beta cells may be destroyed by either the virus or the body’s response to infection. ..

According to John Nichols, a clinical professor of pathology at the University of Hong Kong, other explanations include an acute stress response to infection, the use of steroid therapy to help survive but raise blood sugar levels, or exposure to previously undiagnosed diabetic cases. May include the University of Hong Kong.

Case tracking

About 500 doctors from around the world have agreed to share data through Rubino’s Diabetes Log. They upload the patient’s known risk factors, test results, clinical features, treatment, and disease course. This information helps identify the most common forms of the disease, possible causes, and possible prognosis.

To date, nearly 350 cases have been documented through the registry, with descriptive anecdotes flowing almost daily through emails from relevant patients and parents.

“People write to us and say,’My son has just been diagnosed with diabetes. He’s eight years old. He got Covid last month or two months ago. It’s a relationship. Is there any? “Rubino said.

The question of whether SARS-CoV-2 can induce diabetes is controversial. Jonathan Shaw, Deputy Director of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, said monitoring diabetes from population-based data may be a clearer way to measure the effects of a pandemic.

Worried about children

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, doctors report anxious patterns among children with new cases of type 2 diabetes. This is a chronic form associated with obesity and sedentary lifestyles, which is predominantly found in adults.

They discovered last year that one in five new pediatric type 2 diabetic patients required hospitalization for diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous acid accumulation in the blood due to inadequate insulin supply. Did. In contrast, only 3% of new patients faced this life-threatening problem in 2019. No child had active Covid-19 in 2020, but doctors had not systematically tested previous SARS-CoV-2 infections. Of those tested, one-third were positive.

“Can it explain some of the increase? I really don’t know,” said Lily Chao, director of interim medical diabetes at the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. “But that’s one of the things that goes behind our heads.”

Canadian doctors delay the care of newly developed children with type 1 diabetes, a rare form of reduced access to medical services during a pandemic caused by an autoimmune reaction that destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. It suggests that it may have happened. According to a Alberta study, the incidence of severe diabetic ketoacidosis in these patients more than doubled to 27% in 2020.

Lifestyle changes

Chao sees other plausible drivers related to Covid-19. The pandemic itself has also brought about lifestyle changes that can put children at risk for diabetes.

“In Los Angeles, the school was closed for a year,” she said. “Many of our kids have just returned home and, frankly, aren’t getting the best nutrition and aren’t gaining weight. It’s a complicated situation.”

Rubino aims to publish its first findings from diabetes registration data in the middle of the year, already calling for early attention. There is ample evidence that the long-term effects of Covid-19 should be avoided at any age.

“This isn’t just the flu, ok, you got it, and you’re done with it,” he said. “You may not be done. That’s a serious thing.”


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