Women with a history of weight cycling have a higher incidence of sleep disorders
Women with a history of weight cycling (weight loss and recovery of at least 10 pounds at least once) have an increased incidence of insomnia and other sleep disorders, Cardiovascular Nursing Journal, The official journal of the Association of Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses. This journal has been published in the Lippincot portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.
According to a new study, “The history of weight cycling shows that short sleep times, poor sleep quality, increased insomnia, increased sleep deprivation, and daytime dysfunction in diverse US women across different life stages. It was positively associated with some indicators of sleep deprivation, such as increased. ” By Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Brooke Aggarwal, EdD, MS, FAHA, and colleagues in New York.
Weight cycling predicts shorter, lower quality sleep and higher risk of sleep apnea
The researchers analyzed data on 506 women with an average age of 37 years enrolled in the “Go Red for Women” research project funded by the American Heart Association. Women represented all stages of adulthood, including childbirth, premenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. About 60% of women recognize themselves as a racial / ethnic minority.
72% of women reported one or more episodes of weight circulation. This is defined as an increase or decrease of at least £ 10 (excluding pregnancy). Weight cycling history was assessed for association with various sleep disorders both at the time of participation in the study and during the one-year follow-up visit. The analysis adjusted for other factors known to affect a woman’s weight history, such as pregnancy history and menopause.
In both cases, sleep disorders were more likely to occur in women with a history of weight cycling. Each additional episode of weight cycling is associated with shorter sleep times, poorer sleep quality, longer time to fall asleep, severe insomnia, increased sleep disorders, reduced sleep efficiency, and increased frequency of sleeping pills. Was there.
The history of weight cycling also predicted an increased risk of sleep disorders during follow-up. After adjusting for other factors, women who have at least one episode of weight cycling have shorter sleep times (less than 7 hours), lower sleep quality and efficiency scores, and longer time to fall asleep (less than 7 hours). About 30 minutes or more).
Women with episodes of weight cycling were also five times more likely to score in the range of risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Patients with OSA have respiratory interruptions or other abnormalities during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is an important risk factor for serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke.
Overweight or obesity is a known risk factor for sleep disorders. In a previous study at Columbia University’s “Go Red for Women” study cohort, Dr. Aggarwal et al. Found that women with a history of weight cycling were more likely to have poor cardiovascular health. The relationship between weight cycling and sleep issues can be “two-way.” This reflects the “complex interaction” between sleep and weight loss / weight maintenance.
Researchers emphasize the need for further research into how changes in weight throughout lifespan affect sleep across race / ethnic groups, not only in men but also in women. In the meantime, asking women about their weight cycling history may help identify the risk of sleep disorders, including OSA.
The findings also suggest that maintaining a stable weight over the long term may promote better sleep. Dr. Aggarwal and co-authors conclude:
Future studies may inform more targeted weight maintenance interventions for sleep health and cardiovascular health promotion. “
Journal reference:
Cao, V. , et al.. (2021) The history of weight cycling is positively associated with the short, poor quality and high risk of sleep apnea in diverse US women. Cardiovascular Nursing Journal..
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