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Men in Mandurah were urged to be tested for prostate cancer | Mandurah Mail


The Australian Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCFA) requires WA men to understand the risk of prostate cancer and consult their doctor about the test.

This follows data showing that the diagnosis rate for men in Mandurah is the third highest in Australia at 210 per 100,000.

Prostate cancer is Australia’s most common male cancer, killing nine men daily.

PCFA CEO Geoff Dunn said men in the area are at increased risk of delayed diagnosis.

“Men in rural and rural Australia face a 24% higher risk than the average risk of death, but we need to dig deeper to find out why,” he said.

“We know that early diagnosis of cancer is more likely to result in successful treatment and good results, so men are aware of and proactive in their prostate health. Is very important. “

In all parts of Washington, the diagnosis rate at stage 1, where cancer is most treatable, is lower than average.

Three John Williams Perth-based fathers diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 45 urged others to be tested early.

“My dad and uncle had prostate cancer. I was pretty young and healthy and I wouldn’t have thought it was a big deal, but because my mother was worried about getting tested. , I talked to the doctor, “he said.

After blood tests and biopsies detected the tumor, Williams decided to undergo radical robotic prostate surgery. The large tumor was removed, but the cancer did not spread because of early behavior.

“I have to thank the doctor who saved my life. Without the first test, I wouldn’t have had surgery and I wouldn’t even know that a large tumor was there,” Williams said.

“I feel pretty normal now. I still have to take medicine, but I’ve been jogging to stay healthy and recently joined the gym.”

Current Australian guidelines recommend that men who are asymptomatic and have no family history of prostate cancer undergo a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test every two years between the ages of 50 and 70.

People with a family history should consider PSA testing from age 40 or 45, depending on the strength of the familial risk, but Williams says many men are unaware of their risk. Stated.

“My message to other men is to be tested if your family has prostate cancer, even if you are under the age of 50,” he said.

“It was a roller coaster for me. I don’t know what happens when I’m diagnosed with cancer. There are some scars from surgery, but these remind me how lucky I am.”

Franceska Rogers, a prostate cancer specialist nurse on Williams’ treatment team, said early detection was important.

“Many men have expressed particular concern about the side effects of treatment, but early detection is important for successful treatment. Use for potential side effects of prostate cancer treatment that are very important for men to understand. There are effective treatments possible, “she said.

PCFA has launched a nationwide remote nursing service with a resident prostate cancer specialist nurse, helping 17,000 men and their families diagnosed with prostate cancer each year in Australia.

The service is designed to reduce isolation and barriers to access to support, helping nurses discuss treatment options and all other problems men face at the time of diagnosis.

Men and their families can talk to specialist nurses by calling 1800 22 00 99 Monday through Friday.

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