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Ukraine will lose war if US aid not approved, Zelensky says

Ukraine will lose war if US aid not approved, Zelensky says



Ukraine will lose the war if the US Congress does not approve military aid to help it resist the Russian invasion, President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.

It is important to address Congress specifically: If Congress does not help Ukraine, Ukraine will lose the war, Zelensky said Sunday during a video meeting of the Ukrainian fundraising group UNITED24.

If Ukraine loses this war, other countries will be attacked. It's a fact, he said.

Zelensky's warning, one of the harshest since the war began more than two years ago, comes as Congress has for months refused to pass an aid package for Ukraine, leaving Kiev fighting manpower and ammunition shortages while an emboldened Russia bombards Ukrainian cities with rockets and missiles. tests to detect weak points along the front line.

The US Senate passed a $95.3 billion foreign aid bill for Ukraine and Israel in February, but House Speaker Mike Johnson has so far refused to hold a vote on it. the adoption of the package for Ukraine.

Zelensky previously told CNN that millions could die in Ukraine's war with Russia if U.S. lawmakers do not approve the aid package.

When Russia launched its invasion in February 2022, it believed it would take kyiv within days and the rest of the country within weeks. In what turned out to be a disastrous miscalculation for Moscow, Ukraine repelled the initial assault on its capital and, later in 2022, reclaimed some of the territories invaded by Russia.

The front lines have since remained largely static, with Russia continuing to occupy around a fifth of Ukraine's territory. Despite optimism that Ukraine could recover more of its occupied territories, its summer 2023 counteroffensive failed to significantly break through Russian defenses. The then commander-in-chief of Ukraine admitted that the war had entered a stalemate.

Since the beginning of this year, Russia, enjoying a huge advantage in manpower and technology, has tried to seize the initiative, bombing Ukrainian cities with missiles and forcing Ukraine to withdraw from the town of Avdiivka, in the east of the country.

Franz-Stefan Gady, an associate researcher at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told CNN that the war in Ukraine had entered a transitional phase.

Russia is carrying out investigative attacks along the front line. He tries to advance where he can. And he is preparing what appears to be a future offensive, he said.

While European countries have attempted to replace U.S. aid, Gady said nothing can replace the support Washington can provide.

This year, Ukraine really needs American support. There are certain weapons systems and logistical support that European countries simply cannot provide to Ukraine, such as air defense systems, he said.

Also on Sunday, Zelensky warned that in the coming weeks Russia would increasingly insist on bringing nuclear weapons into the debate, threatening to play games with the issue.

In another post on X, he thanked UNITED24 ambassadors for continuing to focus U.S. attention on the Ukrainian people's struggle for freedom and independence.




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