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How the US, UK, France and Jordan rescued Israel when Iran attacked Firstpost

How the US, UK, France and Jordan rescued Israel when Iran attacked Firstpost


It was an attack the world saw coming. Iran fired more than 300 projectiles toward Israel on Saturday for the first time from Israeli soil. But Iranian munitions did little harm to the Jewish people.

Israel hailed its successful air defense, which knocked out 99% of the more than 300 drones and missiles launched against its territory. But this would have been a greater challenge without the support of her ally and neighbor Jordan.

Israel is working closely with the United States, Britain and France, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Admiral Daniel Hagari said. All three countries acted during Iranian attacks, it added.

We are working closely with the US, UK and France who took action tonight. The partnership has always been close, but tonight it manifested itself in an unusual way, CNN reported.

Look at the role other countries played in stopping the attack.


The United States has been one of Israel's closest allies. However, the two have recently had differences of opinion over Jerusalem's constant attacks on the Gaza Strip. But that has not been a deterrent in the past few days, as an Iranian attack on Israel has seemed imminent. On Saturday, he played a crucial role in the defense of Jerusalem.

Israel, with help from the United States, has spent years building a multi-layered air defense network that includes systems that can intercept a variety of threats, including long-range missiles, cruise missiles, drones and short-range rockets.

The system, along with cooperation with U.S. and other military forces, has helped deter even more devastating attacks at a time when Israel is already mired in its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip and engaged in low-level fighting in the north. It borders the Lebanese Hezbollah militia. The Associated Press reported that both Hamas and Hezbollah receive support from Iran.

Also read: How Israel protected itself from more than 300 Iranian drones, missiles

President Joe Biden said the United States had beefed up its military ahead of the widely expected attack and that it had paid off.

At my direction, U.S. forces have moved aircraft and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region over the past week to support Israel's defense, Biden said in a written statement. Thanks to these deployments and the superior skills of our soldiers, we have helped Israel shoot down virtually all of its incoming drones and missiles.

Police are examining the remains of a rocket booster that seriously injured a 7-year-old girl after Iran launched drones and missiles toward Israel near Arad, according to Israeli authorities. Reuters

Iran launched about 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles during a five-hour attack overnight last Saturday.

U.S. officials said more than 70 drones and three ballistic missiles were intercepted by U.S. Navy ships and military aircraft.

The U.S. Navy shot down at least three ballistic missiles using the Aegis missile defense system aboard two guided-missile destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean, U.S. officials told CNN's Oren Liebermann from the Pentagon. Liebermann reported that American warplanes also shot down Iranian artillery shells. It is unclear where U.S. forces have been operating, but there is a presence of aircraft carriers and land-based aircraft in the area.

U.S. troops operating from an undisclosed base in the area shot down several Iranian drones in the Sweida and Deraa regions of southern Syria near the Jordanian border, security sources told Reuters.

Earlier this week, the Biden administration dispatched U.S. Central Command Commander Eric Kurilla to Israel to help coordinate defenses against attacks. He reportedly left the country before the first drone was launched.

Watch the F-35I Adir fighter jet return to Nevatim Air Base after successfully protecting Israeli airspace.

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) April 14, 2024


Britain also played an important role in Israel's defense of its territory. British fighter jet shoots down Iranian drone

RAF jets and refueling aircraft reportedly took off from bases in Cyprus and flew over Iraq and Syria, but not over Israel.

The UK Ministry of Defense said it has been working with partners across the region to encourage de-escalation and prevent further attacks in response to the growing threat from Iran and the growing risk of escalation in the Middle East.

We have moved several additional RAF jets and aerial refueling tankers to the area. This will strengthen Britain's existing Daesh operation, Operation Shader, in Iraq and Syria. He added that the British jets will intercept any aerial attacks within their existing mission range as required.

More @RoyalAirForce jets and aerial refueling tankers have been deployed to the Middle East to strengthen Britain's existing Daesh operation, Op Shader, in Iraq and Syria.

Additionally, the jets will block air attacks within our existing mission range. My statement:

— Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP (@grantshapps) April 13, 2024

However, the British Ministry of Defense did not specify how many RAF Typhoons flew over Syria and Iraq, the BBC reported.

Also read: What is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps believed to be behind Iran's attacks on Israel?

On Sunday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed that a British jet had shot down several Iranian attack drones.

He said the UK had taken part in a coordinated international effort to intercept missiles and drones launched by Iran. The RAF sent additional planes to the area.

Earlier, he condemned Iran's reckless attacks and pledged that Tehran would continue to defend Israel's security. He said Iran had once again demonstrated its intention to sow chaos in its own backyard, adding that the attack threatened to escalate tensions and destabilize the region.

The British leader pledged continued support for the security of Israel and Britain's other allies in the region, including Jordan and Iraq.

In this footage taken from social media footage, objects are seen over Tel Aviv after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel. Semyon Galperin via Reuters


The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that the French Navy was deployed to defend Israel from Iranian attacks. Additional details were not immediately available.

An Israeli military spokesman also said France was involved in blocking the Iranian attack. Contributed by patrolling the airspace.

Hagari said France was also involved in Israel's defense, but did not have precise details on whether French warplanes had shot down missiles fired by Iran. France has very advanced technology, jets and radars and I know they are contributing to patrolling our airspace, he said.

Surfers wait for waves as Israeli military naval ships patrol the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Hadera, Israel. Iran praised the success of its air defenses in the face of unprecedented Iranian attacks, saying it had defeated 99% of the more than 300 drones and missiles launched against its territory by Iran and its allies. AP

French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the attack and called for restraint. “I condemn in the strongest terms the unprecedented attack launched by Iran against Israel, which risks destabilizing the region,” Macron said. This is an expression of my solidarity with the Israeli people and the importance we attach to Israel's security. For Israel, our partners and regional stability.

France is working with partners to de-escalate and calls for restraint, he added.

I strongly condemn Iran's unprecedented attack against Israel, which threatens to destabilize the region.

I express solidarity with the Israeli people and France's commitment to the security of Israel, our partners and regional stability.

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 14, 2024


According to security sources cited by news agency Reuters, Jordan also helped eliminate Iranian drones. They violated airspace and shot down a projectile heading for Israel.

The Iranian drone was shot down on the Jordanian side of the Jordan Valley. They were heading toward Jerusalem. Others were blocked near the Iraq-Syria border.

Jordan has blocked some flying objects entering its airspace to ensure the safety of its citizens, according to a statement from the Jordanian Cabinet. During this period, some debris fell in various places and did not cause significant damage or injuries to citizens, he added.

Local security sources said the Jordanian military was on high alert and radar systems were monitoring any drone activity coming from the direction of Iraq and Syria, the Times of Israel reported.

Images captured from AFPTV footage show Jordanian onlookers and security standing around the remains of a missile intercepted by Jordanian forces over Amman amid unprecedented Iranian drone and missile attacks against Israel in the early hours of April 14, 2024. The agent is here. AFP

Security sources said the country's air force was stepping up reconnaissance flights. Jordan previously said it had closed its airspace to all arriving, departing and transiting aircraft from Saturday night, which officials told Reuters was a precautionary measure in case of an attack from Iran across the border.

Jordanian government spokesman Muhanad Mubaidin said authorities had decided to close the airspace for precautionary reasons due to the surrounding security situation. Mubaiddin denied media reports that the kingdom had declared a state of emergency, adding that citizens had no reason to worry.

Jordan borders Syria and Iraq, where Iranian proxy forces operate, and is adjacent to Israel and the West Bank. The war between Iran's ally Hamas and Israel has been closely watched for fear of being caught in the crossfire.

The United States, Britain and France are military allies of Israel, but Jordan has severely criticized Israel's past war in Gaza.

Based on the agency's opinion




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