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Median annual income in each US state

Median annual income in each US state


In 2023, the median annual salary for all U.S. workers was $48,060, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, meaning Americans in about half of the states earned less than that figure, while workers in other half earned more.

Check out this map to see the median amount workers earn in each U.S. state:

The Northeast and West regions tend to have higher income populations than those in the South and some Midwestern states.

Massachusetts tops the list with the highest median wage at $60,690 for individual workers, while Mississippi has the lowest median wage in the country at $37,500.

Here is the median annual wage for workers in each state:

Alabama: $41,350 Alaska: $56,140 Arizona: $47,680 Arkansas: $39,060 California: $54,030 Colorado: $54,050 Connecticut: $56,130 Delaware: $49,280 Florida: $45,070 Georgia: $45,480 Hawaii: $50,510 Idaho: $4 4,240 Illinois: $48,730 Indiana: $45,470 Iowa: $46,460 Kansas: $45,250 Kentucky: $43,730 Louisiana: $41,320 Maine: $47,590 Maryland: $55,810 Massachusetts: $60,690Michigan: $46,940Minnesota: $50,880Mississippi: $37,500Missouri: $45,080Montana: $45,690Nebraska: $46,440Nevada: $44,810New Hampshire: $49,980New Jersey: 54,860 $New Mexico: $43,620 New York: $56,840 North Carolina: $45,440 North Dakota: $48,830 Ohio: $46,690 Oklahoma: $41,480 Oregon: $50,010 Pennsylvania: $47,430 Rhode Island : $50,970 South Carolina: $42,220 South Dakota: $43,680 Tennessee: $43,820 Texas: $45,970 Utah: $47, 020 Vermont: $49,630 Virginia: $49,920 Washington: $59,920 Virginia Western: $39,770 Wisconsin: $47,590 Wyoming: $47,250

Local wages are generally correlated with the local cost of living, meaning that many states where workers earn the most are also the states where living is most expensive.

Massachusetts, for example, has the second highest cost of living in the United States, while Mississippi has the second lowest cost of living, according to Missouri's State-by-State Cost of Living Index Economic Research and Information Center, based on the Council for Community and Economic Research Survey Data.

A few states, however, are outliers. In Wyoming, workers have the 26th highest median salary, but the 18th lowest cost of living. Similarly, Florida has the 14th lowest median salary, but is only the 29th cheapest state to live in, according to MERIC.

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