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Funding for new Elizabeth Line trains has saved 1,200 jobs at Britain's largest rail plant.

Funding for new Elizabeth Line trains has saved 1,200 jobs at Britain's largest rail plant.


“Both sides agreed to conclude discussions as soon as possible, by the end of May at the latest,” an Alstom spokesman said. This could help secure the future of the Litchurch Lane site.

Mr Harper said in a social media post that he had had constructive meetings with Alstom about the future of UK train manufacturing and that intensive discussions would continue with the aim of finalizing the agreement.

In a letter to local councilors in Derby, Mr Harper said the onus was on the French company to provide competitive pricing and cost transparency to ensure a speedy termination of the contract. He asked Alstom for written confirmation that it would invest in Litchurch Lane and make it a design and production hub.

Alstom will be moving other operations to Litchurch Lane to help retain jobs until the new contract begins. With more than 140 years of history, the plant supports 15,000 jobs in the supply chain and contributes approximately $1 billion annually to GDP.

The future of Hitachis' train factory in County Durham remains uncertain as it prepares to complete manufacturing work on its final orders over the summer. The Newton Aycliffe site will begin building HS2 trains from the second half of next year before sending them to Alstom for completion, but there is currently insufficient work to complete by that point.

Train construction at the Newton Aycliffe plant, which employs 700 people, is expected to peak in the summer and then decline in the autumn following the completion of the Avanti West Coast and East Midlands Railway contract, leaving hundreds of highly skilled manufacturing jobs vulnerable. The testing work will only give other staff until next spring to complete it.

Shadow Transport Secretary Louise Haigh raised urgent questions in the House of Commons on Tuesday about job losses in the rail industry, accusing the Government of causing damage to the industry.

“Critical deadlines have already passed, avoidable job losses have already occurred and local businesses have already been forced to close,” she said.

Commenting on this, Rail Minister Huw Merriman said: This is a complex issue with no simple solutions, but the Government has been doing everything it can to support the workforce over many months and continues to do so.




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