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Biden administration remains tight-lipped on Israeli strike as US seeks to keep distance from decision

Biden administration remains tight-lipped on Israeli strike as US seeks to keep distance from decision



The Biden administration took a low-key approach Friday that reflected a desire by U.S. officials to maintain some distance from Israel's decision to retaliate against Iran in what appeared to be limited retaliation for the weekend's attack -last end.

Israel has not commented on the strike, which was reported after three explosions were heard near a major military air base near Isfahan, state media reported early Friday morning. Iranian officials said air defenses intercepted three drones and no missile attacks were reported.

U.S. officials, who said they had received warnings from Israel about their plans, neither approved nor condemned the counterattack. Israel told the United States on Thursday that it would take retaliatory measures against Iran in the coming days, a senior American official said, adding that the United States did not approve of the response.

Instead, the United States sought to make clear that the choice was Israel's alone.

We were not involved, an official said.

Israel informed the United States through various channels before its counterattack on Iran, a source familiar with the matter said, adding that the warning did not come long in advance but did not take the United States unprepared. At the ministers' summit in Capri, Italy's foreign minister said the United States had been informed at the last minute by Israel of its intention to retaliate. The person familiar said the warning came on Thursday.

In his first public remarks since the counterattack, US Secretary of State Antony Blinkend refused almost any comment on the issue during a speech at a G7 meeting in Capri, Italy. But, he added, the G7 countries are determined to ensure Israel's security while seeking to prevent the conflict from escalating.

We are also committed to defusing this tension to try to put an end to this tension, Blinken said at a press conference.

He also said the countries shared a commitment to holding Iran accountable.

Even as President Joe Biden advised restraint last weekend in a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, suggesting to his counterpart that due to the successful interception of almost all Iranian missiles and drones , a counterattack might not be necessary, there were few in the White House who believed Israel would do nothing.

Instead, officials believed that what Israel was planning would be limited in scope and intended to send a message to Iran. Officials had asked Israel to be notified in advance of these plans.

Senior U.S. officials spent much of Thursday speaking virtually with senior Israeli officials to discuss, among other topics, last weekend's Iranian attack and efforts to strengthen Israeli security.

The discussions, led by US national security adviser Jake Sullivan, included Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer, one of Netanyahu's top confidants, and Israeli national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi.

Before expanding to a broader group of senior officials, the U.S. and Israeli sides discussed in a smaller format last weekend's attack, as well as Biden's decision to apply new sanctions to Iran.

The sanctions, applied jointly with other Western countries, appeared intended to send the message that retaliation against Iran did not necessarily require a military component.

It is unclear to what extent the Israeli side informed U.S. officials about plans to respond to the Iranian attack.

The broader meeting focused on another area of ​​disagreement between the Biden administration and the Israeli government: plans for a ground invasion of Rafah to go after Hamas. The White House later said that U.S. officials had expressed concerns about various courses of action at Rafah, and that Israeli participants agreed to take those concerns into account.

This disagreement indicates, even amid exchanges with Iran, that the war against Hamas in Gaza continues apace, with ceasefire negotiations stalled and the humanitarian crisis worsening. .

The latest counterattack adds to growing tensions in the Middle East following Iran's unprecedented strike against Israel last weekend, in which Iran launched more than 300 drones and cruise missiles toward Israel, almost all of which were intercepted. The attack was in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy compound in Syria earlier this month.




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