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US, UK, most EU countries boycott Putin's inauguration | Vladimir Putin News

US, UK, most EU countries boycott Putin's inauguration |  Vladimir Putin News


Russia's Vladimir Putin will be sworn in as president for the fifth time on Tuesday during an inauguration ceremony at the Kremlin.

The United States and most European Union countries said Tuesday they would not send special envoys to Russian President Vladimir Putin's inauguration.

Putin, 71, won a fifth term in power in March elections that critics said lacked democratic legitimacy.

He won 87.28% of the vote, weeks after the untimely death of his most vocal critic, Alexey Navalny, in an Arctic prison.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters that no representative would attend his inauguration. We did not think the election was free and fair, but he is president of Russia and will remain in that capacity.

Britain and Canada said they would not send anyone to the inauguration, and a European Union spokesman told Reuters the bloc's ambassador to Russia would not attend the ceremony, in line with the position of most EU member states. .

The Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which withdrew their ambassadors to Moscow, ruled out attending the inauguration ceremony.

We believe that the isolation of Russia, especially its criminal leaders, must continue, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said.

In Lithuania, you will not be able to participate in President Putin's inauguration ceremony. Our priority is support for Ukraine and its people in their fight against Russian aggression.

The Czech Republic is also expected to boycott the event, while Germany's Foreign Ministry said no Czech representative would attend before recalling its ambassador over alleged Russian cyberattacks.

An aide to Putin said the heads of all diplomatic missions in Moscow, including those from unfriendly countries, had been invited to the inauguration ceremony, which begins at noon (09:00 GMT) and will be broadcast live on Russian television.

Putin will arrive in a luxury motorcade announced by state-run RT and reported by the Kremlin that his armored Aurus limousine has been modified, including improved soundproofing and all-round cameras. The one-time KGB spy will walk through the palace corridors to the ornate Saint Andrew Hall, where he will take the presidential oath and deliver a brief speech. He will also receive a blessing from the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The event was held a day after Russia announced plans to train tactical nuclear weapons, condemning Western countries' provocative moves against Ukraine. President Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago.

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that there were no legal grounds to recognize him as the legitimate, democratically elected president of the Russian Federation.

Tuesday's swearing-in ceremony was said to have sought to create the illusion of legitimacy for the near-lifelong rule of a man who turned the Russian Federation into an aggressor state and its ruling regime into a dictatorship.

Despite the apparent boycott, France, Hungary and Slovakia are all expected to send representatives to the event, Reuters reported, citing unnamed diplomatic sources.

Speaking alongside the Chinese president on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron said: We are not at war with Russia or the Russian people, and we do not want regime change in Moscow.

The source said France had previously condemned the repressive conditions under which the elections were held, depriving voters of real choice and organizing the elections on Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory, which France considers a violation of international law and the United States . National Charter.

Franco-Russian relations have deteriorated in recent months as Paris has increased its support for Ukraine.

Last week, President Macron said it would be legal for France to send troops to Ukraine if Russia broke through Ukrainian lines and Kiev requested support.




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