From Shrewsbury to Hollywood: The Story of the Magical Life of 90-year-old Geoff
Geoff Rushworth was born in 1931 and had a myriad of adventures over the course of his long life, all of which were recounted in his new autobiography “From Shrewsbury to Hollywood” the proceeds of which go to Alzheimer’s research at in memory of his late wife, Molly, who died of this disease last year.
The 90-year-old has been around the world on cruise ships doing magic and even had a chance at the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 after teaching himself judo.
Geoff’s journey began in 1954, when he was the victim of a hit-and-run accident near RAF Shawbury where he worked as a radar technician.
Although he had very severe hearing difficulties, Geoff learned judo on his own and became Shropshire’s first black belt.
He also learned magic from a book and, along with his wife, Molly, have performed all over the world on six world cruises, as well as at the London Palladium.
Paul Rushworth, his son, said: “My father and my mother traveled all over the world together doing magic. I told him to write the book that he would write notes all the time together.
“The book is being sold to raise funds for Alzheimer’s disease research after my mother passed away in November of last year. She was a beautiful woman inside and out.
“When Alzheimer’s disease took her away, it took not only her soul but also her appearance. So dad really wanted to fundraise to help somehow.”
Paul added: “He’s worked with all kinds of big stars and performed for people like Muhammad Ali, Tony Curtis and Priscilla Presley.
“Dad used to do his magic tricks on the Shawbury men when he worked there, that’s how he really refined them, and then his career as a magician took off.”
Geoff and his family were on vacation in Louisville, Kentucky, in 2005, visiting the Muhammad Ali museum when they met the man himself.
He was checking in at the hotel and the family met the famous boxer quite by accident.
Geoff said: “We took pictures with him and I also did magic for him. He loves magic and did it on the Parkinson’s show.”
Geoff explained how he started doing cruise ships when he met a ventriloquist called Albert Saveen who gave him and Molly their first cruise show.
“Because it was a silent act set to music,” Geoff said. “We could perform it in front of a lot of different nationalities.”
In 1964, Geoff was in the final selection for judo at the Tokyo Olympics, but broke his ribs in the final in London where he won the silver medal and therefore missed the Olympics.
Paul added: “Dad was in the Olympic trials in the final where he unfortunately lost and broke his ribs. He received the silver medal but missed the Olympics, which were held in Tokyo this year. that year.
“At the age of 20 he started to learn judo. He had to learn from a book because there was no one at the time to teach it, and he eventually founded the Shrewsbury Judo Club while also featured in the first edition of the Shropshire Star.
“I always have people who come to me and say that my dad taught them judo or that they know him from the judo community.”
Geoff said he just decided to learn judo and taught himself from a book.
He said: “I have always admired the skill of judo and started back in the garden from a book called ‘Teach Yourself Judo’ and since then I have taught hundreds of students .
“We used to do a children’s lesson on a Saturday morning for about eight years and we did it all over the county.
“We produced 23 black belts over this period and even a few UK nationals.
“I was 70 when I stopped and it was hard to give it up. Back then, to get your black belt, you had to do a lineout, where you had to defeat six opponents one after the other. the other.
“It’s not like that now. I got my fifth black belt, which is really the highest you can get.”
Paul added: “So I certainly wouldn’t want to play with him!”
After Geoff broke his ribs, he said he was still upset that he didn’t reach the Olympics, which was a dream for him.
But his career as a magician began to take off and Geoff and Molly reached new heights and completed six world tours, a real feat as artists.
Geoff was even president of the British Magical Society in 1992, and his son Paul took over in 2015, meaning they are the only father-son duo to have that honor.
Paul’s son Joe even learned magical skills from the family, so the secrets have been passed down through each generation.
Now, the magic of Geoff’s long life has been wrapped up in his autobiography, which even has a preface from a close and personal friend Debbie McGee.
People can buy Geoff’s book and all the money goes to Alzheimer’s disease research. Email [email protected] to purchase a copy.
Sources 2/ https://www.shropshirestar.com/entertainment/2021/08/14/from-shrewsbury-to-hollywood-90-year-old-geoffs-magic-life-story/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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