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A no-shortcut plan for improving your health

A no-shortcut plan for improving your health


According to the latest research: The Lancet Global HealthMore than half of the adult population in India does not meet the WHO guidelines for sufficient physical activity. Alarmingly, the survey found that the proportion of physically inactive women is 57% higher than men (42%). Physical inactivity is also set to rise from around 22% in 2000 to 50% by 2022. Based on these findings, DHoS approached two experts for their advice on how to get out of this situation.

What do these numbers actually show?

Dr Ranjan Shetty, Head and Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore:

These figures really support our argument. We have always known, and as cardiologists, that lack of physical activity in our patients is a major concern. In the Western world, people tend to be more active, but here there is a spike in activity at the start of the year or on birthdays, but then people stop being active and, even worse, never resume it.

Dr. Sanjay Bhatt, Senior Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore:

This data on lack of physical activity in India is extremely alarming. With more people at risk, the number of life-threatening diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and disabilities is likely to increase. People with heart disease often require medication to manage their condition. An increase in heart disease leads to an increased need for these medications and in some cases, an increased demand for surgery.

Since Indians are already genetically predisposed to non-communicable diseases, will this widespread lack of physical activity further exacerbate lifestyle-related diseases?

Dr. Ranjan Shetty: The biggest risk factors for lifestyle-related diseases are excessive sugar intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking. Smoking increases the risk by 2.5 times, and a sedentary lifestyle is similar to smoking. Sadly, this is a very modifiable risk factor, yet we don't do much about it. Research also shows that people who exercise regularly have half the risk of cancer compared to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Dr. Sanjay Bhatt: Yes, physical inactivity is widespread in India and could worsen the prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases among the population. An inactive lifestyle can lead to weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance and high blood pressure. These risk factors, combined with genetics, can increase the susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome.

In your experience, what are the biggest barriers to physical activity?

Dr. Ranjan Shetty: Indians are rather used to lack of exercise. In fact, we have a tolerance for imperfection, which is probably the key. What we sorely lack is a good work-life balance. Physical activity does not mean rushing to the gym. Take 30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week to take a walk, do yoga or take small steps and slowly incorporate exercise into your daily life. Another thing to note is the lack of quality exercise among Indians. Indians should not only exercise more, but also focus on weight training, joint strengthening and muscle building at least 2 days a week.

Dr. Sanjay Bhatt: Take small steps. Start with short bouts of exercise, such as 10 minutes of walking in your free time, and gradually increase the time and intensity. Make exercise fun and a social opportunity. Try activities you enjoy, such as dancing, swimming, yoga or team sports. Exercising with friends and family can be great motivation. Set achievable goals that celebrate small victories. Use a fitness tracker or app to track your progress. Seeing improvements is a powerful motivator to keep going. Pay attention to how exercise makes you feel. More energy, less stress, or better sleep, to name just three, are enough. Focus on these positive effects and not just the physical changes. If you have any concerns or limitations, consult your doctor.

The study also points out that women are more physically inactive than men. How can we address this issue?

Dr. Ranjan Shetty: This is easier said than done, but women need to learn to take time off for themselves. Women often work twice as much as men and have shorter work days, but they also need to take at least four days off per week to be better caregivers. No matter how busy you are, you still brush your teeth, right? We need to think about exercise in the same way.

Dr. Sanjay Bhatt: Exercise can be challenging for women, who are often juggling childcare, household chores and limited time to exercise. Concerns about safety, body image and postpartum recovery can also be barriers. This can be addressed with effective exercise options, such as short bouts of exercise, home routines and high-intensity exercise. It is important to promote exercise for women's overall health, not just for weight loss.

(As told to Rashmi Vasudeva)

Published July 14, 2024 00:54 teeth




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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