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Singapore must be realistic about global trends affecting its stock market: DPM Wong

Singapore must be realistic about global trends affecting its stock market: DPM Wong


SINGAPORE needs to be realistic about global trends affecting the city-state equity market and what steps can be taken to change them, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said on Wednesday (May 8).

Wong, who is also Finance Minister, said conditions for Singapore's stock market to attract companies to list remain challenging.

But he also noted that stock exchanges in developed markets, such as the UK and Hong Kong, suffer from the same problem.

Global IPO revenues continue to decline, falling 33% in 2023. In the Asia-Pacific region, they fell even more, to 44%, Wong said.

High-growth companies backed by private equity and venture capital have the opportunity to stay private longer in a sustained high interest rate environment. Those who choose to go public tend to look to the United States because of its capital market and deep, liquid investor base, he added.

Wong was responding to a parliamentary question from Sengkang GRC MP Louis Chua, on the effectiveness of existing measures to increase the attractiveness of the Singapore stock market. He also asked whether the government would encourage private companies in which it holds shares to list on the Singapore Exchange (SGX).


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The Financial Times recently reported that government agencies were studying proposals from an investors association that includes state funds such as GIC and Temasek to shake up its struggling stock market.

Wong, who will become Singapore's prime minister next Wednesday, noted that the government and SGX had implemented several initiatives to consolidate listings.

These include a range of funds to support high-growth companies, as well as grant programs to cover listing fees and increase research coverage of listed stocks in Singapore.

SGX has also attempted to expand market access by working with the Thai Stock Exchange on the listing of depository receipts.

A depository receipt represents shares of a foreign company traded on a local stock exchange and gives investors the opportunity to own shares in the equity of foreign countries.

While the Government will continue to encourage companies incubated here to list on the SGX, Wong noted that GIC and Temasek operate on a commercial basis and have a mandate to generate good long-term returns for the benefit of Singapore and Singaporeans .

They regularly engage their portfolio companies on options to create shareholder value, which may include a listing in Singapore, he added.

However, final listing decisions will need to be made by the companies themselves, based on their business objectives and growth plans.




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