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By Frank Pallotta, CNN Business

“We are improving the films. “

This is the slogan of a new advertisement of AMC Theaters. The world’s largest movie theater chain on Wednesday launched a $ 25 million nationwide advertising campaign that it hopes will bring audiences back to the movies.

This is an unusual decision as movie chains generally don’t advertise outside of their own theaters. Instead, theater companies rely on studios to market their films, which in turn draws crowds.

In fact, according to AMC, “this is the first such multimedia campaign in AMC’s 101-year history” and possibly the very first in American cinema.

In the new glossy ad, Nicole Kidman walks through an AMC theater as the lights go out and the spotlight comes on.

“We come to this place for the magic,” Kidman says in the ad. “We come to AMC theaters to love, to cry, to care, because we need it. All of us.”

The company said on Wednesday that the 60-second ad, along with shorter versions of it, will air online, in its 600 U.S. theaters, and starting Sunday, “will play on several leading platforms in the world. whole world, especially network television in the United States. “

“Through all of the changing times in the world, through prosperity and desperation… cinemas have remained an essential part of the cultural fabric of our society around the world,” said Adam Aron, President and CEO of AMC, in a statement Wednesday.

AMC and other movie chains have been in dire straits in recent years.

For decades, movie theaters have been a profitable mainstay of American culture. However, recently theaters have found themselves competing for consumers’ time and money with the streaming world.

The rise of streaming has pushed mainstream Hollywood studios like Disney to create streaming services and release more movies online to compete with Netflix. Movie chains like AMC have tried to keep pace, but have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic, which has closed theaters for months and disrupted attendance.

AMC’s campaign is not so much telling audiences to come back to the movies or to convey theater safety in times of turbulence, but rather expresses that watching movies on the big screen is different from watching at home. Will the ad message have the desired impact? Only time will tell, but cinemas have much to look forward to this weekend.

Marvel’s ‘Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings’ opened for $ 94 million in North America, a Labor Day weekend record and one of the pandemic’s biggest debuts nowadays. The film, which has so far made $ 157 million worldwide, has raised hopes among theater owners that the rest of the year could bring some normalcy back to their business.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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