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Ryan Reynolds watches Wrexham draw thrilling FA Cup encounter

Ryan Reynolds watches Wrexham draw thrilling FA Cup encounter



As the saying goes, it’s hope that kills you as a football fan, ask Ryan Reynolds.

The Hollywood actor experienced the full gamut of emotions on Sunday as he watched Wrexham, the club which co-owns Reynolds with Rob McElhenney, draw 3-3 against Sheffield United in a thrilling FA Cup encounter.

Reynolds traveled to the non-league club in North Wales to watch his side play in the fourth round of the historic competition.

The FA Cup is a tournament that pits teams from all levels of the football pyramid against each other and often yields unlikely results.

Excited to write another chapter in the history books, Reynolds interacted with fans during the build-up to the game which was broadcast live in the United States on ESPN.

Then, with nearly 10,000 fans inside the racecourse, the 46-year-old actor was at the mercy of a rollercoaster ride that saw Wrexham close to a famous win.

Reynolds celebrates after Wrexham equalized in the second half.

The game started badly for Wrexham as the Welsh side fell behind in the first two minutes.

But inspired by an incredible atmosphere inside the stadium, Wrexham fought back in the second half to take a 2-1 lead.

The roar that greeted Wrexham’s goals speaks to the culture that the club’s new ownership has helped establish since taking office, as fans began to believe in a footballing miracle occurring in the spotlight.

Reynolds appeared to have lost all sense of his composure, hugging friends and family before celebrating with the fans around him.

But, as any football fan will tell you, the sport can be cruel and there were more twists to come.

Sheffield United, who are strong contenders for promotion to the Premier League next season, equalized shortly after Wrexham took the lead but then suffered a blow when Daniel Jebbison was sent off following a incident off the ball.

With their added advantage, Wrexham looked ahead and the underdog had seemingly progressed in the fifth round after the team’s star striker Paul Mullin made it 3-2 in the 86th minute.

Reynolds greeted Mullins’ goal with wild celebrations, but it was a game with an ending straight out of a Hollywood script.

With one of the final kicks of the match, Sheffield United equalized through John Egan who denied Wrexham a memorable victory at least for now.

It was one of the most exciting things I have EVER seen, Reynolds said on Twitter after the game.

Thank you to all the Wrexham supporters who came out and directed your hearts to this ground tonight.

The replay will take place on February 7 at Sheffield Uniteds Bramall Lane, with the winner hosting Tottenham in the next round.

Reynolds posed for photos and spoke with fans before the game.

McElhenney and Reynolds made headlines when they completed their takeover of the club in 2021, with ambitions to take the Welsh side to the Premier League.

At the time of the takeover, Wrexham had languished outside the top four divisions of English football, known as the Football League, for over a decade.

The pair have already delivered a Welcome to Wrexham TV series which documents their time at the club as it emerges from obscurity and results on the pitch have also improved as the owners continue to invest in the team.

The team are currently top of the National League and, if they win promotion, they will play in League Two of English football next season.

Get three more promotions after that and Wrexham will play in the Premier League.

Wrexham are one of several Welsh clubs that play in the English football league system due to their founding before the Welsh football league was established.

It’s a long way to go, but the Hollywood pair seem content to stick around. The teams’ performances in the FA Cup so far this season certainly point to a prosperous future.

Were here now. Went nowhere but up, McElhenney tweeted after Sunday’s game.




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