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Who is Bill Murray's basketball coach Luke Murray's son? The Ghostbusters actor came out to support his second eldest at a Connecticut Huskies game and is very proud of the 38-year-old.

Who is Bill Murray's basketball coach Luke Murray's son?  The Ghostbusters actor came out to support his second eldest at a Connecticut Huskies game and is very proud of the 38-year-old.


Comedian-actor Bill Murray was spotted showing support for his son Luke as he led the Connecticut Huskies to victory in the NCAA tournament on March 22, according to British media reports.

This isn't the first time Murray has attended his son's games in recent years, having told reporters: “I'm very proud of the boy, he's a wonderful kid and he's worked very hard, according to People .

Although Luke did not pursue an acting career like his, Hollywood Veteran A father, he found his passion as an assistant coach, joining coach Dan Hurley's staff at UConn in 2021.

Here's everything we know about Bill Murray's son:

Luke Murray is the second eldest son of Bill Murray

Luke Murray is the second eldest son of Ghostbusters actor Bill Murray. Photo: UConn Huskies

Luke Murray is the second eldest son of six children. According to People, he was born on April 1, 1985, to Bill Murray and his first wife Margaret Kelly. Murray and Kelly were together from 1981 to 1996.

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He's a basketball coach

Luke Murray has worked as a basketball coach at several major American universities. Photo: @coachlukemurray/Instagram
Luke Murray currently works as an assistant coach for the University of Connecticut men's team. basketball team. As his LinkedIn bio shows, he previously served as an assistant coach at other prestigious schools, including the University of Louisville, University of Rhode Island, and Xavier University.

He doesn't think he's as funny as his father

Bill Murray (center) and his sons Luke Murray (left) and Homer Murray (right) together at the 2023 US Open Tennis Championships. Photo: Gotham/GC Images

Apparently, Luke thinks he didn't inherit his father's funny gene, but it doesn't seem to bother him. In 2017, he told USA Today Sports that he doesn't have a favorite joke, nor is he trying to compete. I think it's pretty clear at the start. Were different people, and I think [dad] he probably likes it that way, he said.

He did, however, talk about his love for coaching and how his father has supported him over the years. You know, we don't really have those traditional father-son conversations like a lot of people seem to do, he said. It just wasn't part of my upbringing. But I think there was probably a point where he changed his mentality in terms of what I was doing.

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As I've grown and moved up the ranks of college basketball, so to speak, I think he appreciates it more. And at this point, he's as fervent a supporter as anyone.

He is married and has children

Luke Murray during a Connecticut Huskies game on January 10 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Photo: Sportswire Icon via Getty Images

According to People magazine, Bill Murray did not attend the Emmy Awards where he was nominated for (and won) a gong for his role in Olive Kitteridge to attend his son Luke's wedding to Kara Cassidy in 2015. According to the same source, Luke shares three children with his wife.

How many biological children does Bill Murray have?

Actor and comedian Bill Murray has six sons with two different women. Photo: Getty Images/AFP

Bill Murray, now 73, has six sons from his two marriages. According to People, the doting father shares his two oldest children, Homer and Luke, with his first wife Margaret Kelly. He had four more children Caleb, Jackson, Cooper and Lincoln with his second wife, costume designer Jennifer Butler. Bill was married to Butler from 1997 to 2008.

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What happened to Bill Murray's second wife?

THE ghost hunters Her relationship with Butler came to light when she alleged that he abused her and was addicted to marijuana and alcohol, as reported by the Seattle Times. Murray previously told Esquire that despite his divorces, he maintains a close relationship with his sons. Even though the divorce was very difficult, the consequences were very serious. I found myself much closer to my guys than I ever would have been, he told the publication in 2012.

According to the Express, Butler died of cancer in 2021. Murray was recently linked to Milkshake singer Kelis in 2023, but it appears they have since called things off, according to the same source.




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