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Bollywood pales as Hollywood brings horror to Indian box office – Brand Wagon News

Bollywood pales as Hollywood brings horror to Indian box office – Brand Wagon News


I'm not afraid of any ghost, sang Ray Parker Jr. for the 1984 horror film Ghostbusters' title song. This, however, does not hold true for many Indian viewers of the horror genre, as cinema halls often resonate with screams when the audience jumps during a scary scene at the time of screening of a horror film. Despite the odd scream from time to time, Indian audiences have an appetite for the horror genre. Horror was a big genre in the 1970s and early 2000s, thanks to films led by the Ramsey brothers, such as Guest House (1980), Darwaza (1978) and Andhra (1975). Even in between, the horror genre has taken a nosedive at the box office with films including Ajay Devgn-starrer भूत (2003), with Vivek Oberoi Weight (2005), and R Madhavan-starring 13B (2009), among others, failed. It is interesting to note that there are a few films like Bhool BhulaiyaaAnd Satan who knew how to conquer the Indian public. “2023, despite being a record year for the Hindi box office, saw the release of only three Hindi-language horror films, compared to eight for Hollywood during the same period. The limited success of Hindi horror films in India can be attributed to the perception of horror as solely a return on investment (ROI) genre. This perception leads to restricted budgets for production, marketing, and genre-level innovations, ultimately affecting the genre's growth potential. That said, post-pandemic, due to their limited reliance on stars, franchise value, and ability to deliver a compelling theatrical experience, well-made horror films can be a great opportunity to Hindi filmmakers,” Sanket Kulkarni, Head of Business Development (Theatrical), Ormax Media, said BrandWagon online.

According to a report by Ormax Media, the horror genre in India saw few releases after the 2000s. Tumbbad was the last non-franchise Hindi horror film which grossed around Rs 16 crore in 2010. The genre d he horror saw successes after 2010, notably Kartik Aryan-starrer. Bhool Bhulaiya 2 (2022), Shraddha Kapoor-starrer Street (2018) and Ajay Devgn-starrer Golmaal again (2017). However, recent releases have had comedy elements, making them multi-genre films.

Aren’t ghosts scary enough?

Industry experts believe that the horror genre generally proves to offer one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) in Hollywood and Bollywood. However, the genre has not been exploited to its full potential. There is a big difference between the quality of films made by Bollywood and that of a horror film made by Hollywood. According to the Ormax report, one of the reasons why horror films have not worked in India is the visual effects and quality of animation. The disparity between Hollywood and Bollywood in terms of visual effects and animation quality is enormous, often leading to ghosts being called by different names. Additionally, Bollywood horror films have a significantly lower budget than Hollywood horror films. Producers are in calculation mode because horror films, traditionally, have a limited market scope. The audience base is limited. Women are generally reluctant to watch horror films, which reduces the audience. Rather than targeting four tickets per family, producers end up targeting just one member. With ticket sales declining, producers turned to the glamor element and commercial aspects, resulting in the inclusion of songs and other elements that made it more of a commercial film rather than a film of natural horror, Girish Johar, producer and film trade analyst, Highlighted.

Additionally, the industry has explored new genres of horror, mythological horror being one of them. Recent film and web series releases in the mythological horror genre include Kantara, Asur and Ghoul, among others. According to industry experts, web series have taken off in this genre due to their pricing as well as the ability for viewers to watch different things at the same time. Additionally, the entire story can be divided into seasons and described in more detail. The Hindi horror genre has not been created or explored much. The success of Shaitaan proved that there was a gap and the audience wanted a good horror and thriller film. Horror as a genre is doing very well. English horror films like The Conjuring and The Exorcist did very well. The problem with Hindi horror films is that you have to get it right, otherwise it can come across as cheesy, said Sanjeev Kumar Bijli, executive director of PVR Inox Limited.

According to Ormax report, Hollywood horror films have performed well at the box office with the Conjuring franchise amassing over Rs 300 crore from eight films. THE He the franchise also performed well, raking in around Rs 40 crore at the box office.

Comedy of errors!

The box office has seen a plethora of horror comedy films over the past decade. The release of films such as Janhvi Kapoor-starrer Rohi, Akshay Kumar-starrer Laxmi and Varun Dhawan-starrer wolf were box office successes. Industry experts believe that filmmakers add comedy to horror films to target a large audience who would not otherwise watch such films. Additionally, the horror comedy genre would add to a family viewing experience, thus contributing to higher box office numbers. A few horror films are rated A at the box office, making satellite rights not eagerly purchased by distribution partners, which also results in a downward push from the producers' point of view. Horror comedy, on the other hand, has a comedic aspect. Adding songs and having a female protagonist is a big draw for female audiences, Johar added.

While Bollywood is working on horror films, the sentiment remains muted due to the existence of Hollywood horror films having higher budgets, better visual effects as well as animation quality. The dearth of horror films in Bollywood has led audiences to turn to Hollywood horror films. However, industry experts expect the dynamics of the horror genre in Bollywood to change soon. We follow the tried and tested formula like romantic films and comedy films. We want to be safe. We watch horror movies, but they're mostly their Hollywood counterparts. We need to make horror films and I think producers should make horror films. The recently launched film Shaitaan performed and was a huge success at the box office, said Taran Adarsh, film trade analyst.

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